Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Economics, Cheese-Its, and Things Like Chemistry

Well, Timothy started yesterday. Therefore, Literature, Spanish, and......(cue dramatic drum roll) chemistry. But enough of that. Timothy starting also means seeing several amazing people, some of whom I only see on Timothy days! It also means getting to steal borrow permanently people's cheese-its! Economics does fit in this post somewhere...I promise! Because when Timothy started, all my other school started full force. Thus the economics.
Another interesting thing happened on Tuesday. I was forced to admit (to myself) that I think that chemistry is interesting, and that I think that the way algebra works is kinda cool. Did I, just say that?? What is happening to my brain?? That being the strangest part of the day, the best part was stealing borrowing permanently the cheese-its!


  1. Haha! I love Chemistry, and ALGEBRA! It beats Geometry by a long shot. :D

  2. I am sooo glad I don't have to take chemistry!! =)

    Just FYI... I'd love to see some story chapters on here... ;)

  3. I don't have words bad enough for geometry! Annakate, I'll think about the story chapters... haha!

  4. Algebra is somewhat fun...CHEMISTRY ON THE OTHER HAND!??? Ha. not fun.
