Wednesday, February 1, 2012


AnnaKate suggested that I post book chapters here, so I decided to take her suggestion. But be warned, these chapters'll be posted in rough draft form, so read at your own risk! With that in mind though, please, please, please feel free to leave constructive critisism/critique/suggestions/comments... You get the idea! So anyways, here goes!


I am Rielle. We live in a little cottage surrounded by green fields. Once, the view outside the window was the only world I knew. That, and the tiny villaige just out of sight. Not anymore. That all changed. I remember that day clearly; my whole life was turned upside down on that warm and sunny day five years ago. I was fifteen.


  1. Oooh! More please!

  2. Cool!

    Critique: Instead of Prolouge, it's Prologue. And also "villaige" is "village."


    Who's the "we"? I'm really curious now. :)Great job with making me want to read more, haha

    It's a cool beginning Robino!

  3. Yay, I am so glad you're posting! =D
