Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Purity and Relationships

Purity. Simply say that word, and every teenager in the room cringes. But really, it shouldn't be that difficult of a topic. It doesn't refer exclusivly to relationships. The phrase "pure in heart" means two things. First, that you are saved. Becaus that is the only way to BE pure. You have to be washed clean by Christ to have a pure heart. Second, it means to be growing in righteousness. As we grow spiritualy, we become more righteous, more pure. A part of this includes our relationships. So, in order to live righteously, how should we act around guys? I don't have a list of do's and don't's, though if I did it would make life a whole lot easier! I have some ideas though, that hopefully point in the right direction.

When a girl has a "crush" (why do they call it that, anyways?) on a guy, what does she want from him? We all know the answer: Attention. So what does she do? She flirts. UrbanDictinary defines flirting as  "anything someone does to get the attention of someone they like." So flirting is basicaly saying, "Ooh! Ooh! look at me!" It's drawing purposely drawing attention to yourself. At it's root, it's selfish. you want all the attention to be given to you. Selfishness. And selfishness is the wrong attitude to have. So I think flirting's not ok. If your like me your thinking, "I don't know flirting if it's right in front of my face! How am I suposed to know if I'm doing it or not?" If flirting is purposly drawing attention to yourself, then the simple answer is make sure that whetever your doing is not done in order to draw attention to yourself. I think the best way to acomplish this is to just act like yourself around everyone. You don't have to change the way you act just because a guy walked in the room, even if it is for the right reasons. You don't have to stop talking and sit there in akward silence just because there is now a guy in the room. Would you do that with your brother? No, of course not! Well, Christian young men are our brothers in Christ! Act yourself!

I think that one thing (not calling attention to yourself) covers everything else I could say. I could talk about how we should be polite, but being rude would fall under the branch of caling atention to yourself. I think the same goes for pretty much every other thing we could talk about. Dress. If you dress modestly, you're not calling attention to yoursself. If you don't, you are. It could go on and on.

I think that about wraps it up. Thanks for listing, and I hope this was at least somewhat helpful/ecouraging! If you have any thoughts to add, I'd love to hear them!


  1. Great post, Robin! I think you really hit the root of the issue. Thanks for posting :)


  2. So true! It was helpful/encouraging!
    Flirting basically tells everyone else in the room that you need attention--it's not very attractive anyway. :) Love this dear!

  3. Great posts, all of them. I really agree with all that you've had to say.
