Thursday, July 12, 2012

Guest post by Joanna

Photo Credit: Google Images

Hey readers,
As you can rightly assume from the title of this post....I'm guest posting for Robin while she is doing missions work in Croatia. (How exciting is that?)

I thought long and hard about what I would guest post about. Different topics swirled through my head as I tried to capture one and think about it long enough in order to write an intelligent post. I finally managed. In fact, the topic I am going to write about today is something that has been on my heart for a long while. (now getting that to my brain was the issue)

My discussion is about a book called, "When People Are Big and God Is Small", written by Edward T. Welch. The main idea of the book focuses on overcoming peer pressure and the fear of man - something I continue to struggle over. Why do people fear man?
Welch states that people fear man because:
1. "We fear people because they can expose and humiliate us."
2. "We fear people because they can reject, ridicule, or despise us."
3. "We fear people because they can attack, oppress, or threaten us."

Yes, yes, and yes. I fear all three of those...
I especially feel the pressure of 1 and 2 when I'm around my youth group or peers. I often find that I get way too caught up in what other's think about me rather than what my heavenly Father thinks of me. Why? Because I fear man more than God. Typing that last statement on my keyboard made me feel stupid. I mean, of course I know that I should fear God more than man. But so often I don't put my knowledge into action. How can I when I constantly am surrounded by people who have the ability to judge me? The answer is simple. Know what it means to fear the Lord. The only way to do that is to read His Word - to get an understanding of who He is, and what He does.Getting to know this perfect, holy God is the key in fearing Him vs. man.
           Another sad truth that hit me was this: When I fear man, I ultimately am being incredibly selfish. Cliques are one of the biggest ways a person can show their fear of man. I used to be in one...and while I felt completely secure... I was deluding myself. When "my" clique fell apart, and I was forced to interact with other people who I had rarely talked to, I suddenly realized how fearful I was of everyone. I realized that I had been ignoring others because talking to them would have made me feel insecure. I was completely focused on myself and what would make me feel the most comfortable. But I chose to ignore others, and would consider it helpful to come home every Sunday and complain to my mum that, "No one likes me. They never talk to me. Everyone ignores me. They always judge me and I feel left out!"
In response, my loving mother handed me, "When People Are Big and God Is Small".
In short, she was communicating, "Stop thinking about yourself! How can you show love to others by talking to them and making them feel comfortable. You know all those lonely, unpopular girls at church you talk about? Go and try making them feel wanted."
Can you say WAKE UP CALL?
Photo Credit: Google Images

I was shocked at how selfish I had become...and all because I had feared man, instead of God.
I mean, how stupid can a person be? Pretty dumb, obviously.
I instantly regretted all the years I had ignored I had cast them aside in order to hang with people who made me feel comfortable. With my head hung low, I began a new mission. I purposed to show Christ's love to others...not because they needed me...but because I was called to do so by Christ. In fact, I've realized that nine out of ten times, nothing ever really happens. I don't "gain" a new best friend, I don't get labeled with "most popular girl in church", but it really doesn't matter.
But you know what I do get? I get the joy of seeing the smiles light up those girls faces when you say "hey, how have you been doing?"
And that's more than enough.
Don't get me wrong. It's not all grins and giggles. Sometimes I feel ignored, sometimes I feel frustrated that the person I (those stupid i's) wanted to come up and talk to me didn't. Nevertheless, the message I continually have to refocus on is this: God commands me to fear him and NOT man. Therefore, I can talk to people and show His love to them...and that is the best way to heal from a bad case of a self-centered attitude. If I focus on fearing God more than man, I am suddenly free to interact with my peers and not feel judged by them, because God's opinion of me is the only one that matters.
And just think! What if everyone made an conscious effort to love everyone like this. How well everyone would get along! So try it, guys!
Try including others, showing them Christ's love, and just being friendly to everyone! It's not like you have to become their best friend. Just show an interest in their lives. It really pays off. The joy I experience by getting over myself and showing love to others is one of the greatest rewards. So don't fear man...fear God!

Well, my time is up...I am afraid to say. My chores call.
Sorry I rambled...I sort of went from fearing God vs. how that ties in with youth groups, cliques, etc. They are connected....somehow. Trust me on this one. I've given this plenty of thought even though my post resembles a giant, tangled bowl of spaghetti.

Photo Credit: Google Images

Until next time....or tiny green aliens invade, and the world as we know it ends....

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