Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Begining...of a Whirlwind

Today was the first day of school. The first day of Senior year. #can'tbelievethisishappening
Anyways, I finished like half of my advanced comp. homework already, so I feel entitled to write a blog post. Especially since I haven't done so in a week. I'm sorry. I was on vacation and didn't have time. Hopefully my posting will become more consistent now that school's started.

This year is going to be crazy for me. Not all at once, but several things are changing for me this year and the beginning of next. Starting today. I am officially a Senior. Whaaaaaaaaaat??? Tomorrow, I'm going to be taking my driving test. So I can have a license. I'll be *gasp* a LICENSED DRIVER!es along with my Yikes! Then (this isn't so huge, it just goes along with my topic of changing things) I'll go (as in drive myself) to my church's college Bible Study. How weird is that? I'm old enough to go to college group! On Monday, I will be starting college classes. Even weirder. It won't be like...all church people! *Runs and hides in corner* Then that's it for awhile. Then. I'm not sure if I've already mentioned this or not, so sorry if I have. But my sister is *drum roll* getting married!!!!!!!! She's getting married in March! She got engaged in February. Her fiance is really great. When he proposed, he took a picture of the ring and had it hung in an art gallery in downtown Chicago, where he lives. They went to go look at the art galleries one day, and when they got to that picture he pointed that one out. She looked at it, and as she read the caption, which said, "Christina, will you marry me?" he got down on his knee with the ring and asked her to marry him! And she said "Yes", of course! I'm so excited.

The day after the wedding is my birthday. I'll be eighteen...old. I'll be a legal adult. I'll be able to vote in the next election. For all technical purposes, I'll be a...a...GROWN-UP. *horror movie screams* But not really. I know I won't act like it. Being young and goofy is much more fun! :) THEN In May. I will graduate. What is this??? I can't believe I will be out of highschool in less than a full year! I'm trying not to think about it to much! Anyways, that's all I have to say for the moment. So, what's up in your lives? Anything new or interesting or old and dull, or crazy and mind blowing? Share your thoughts! And please, please, please follow me! Followers (and comments) make my day!

Until the Doctor comes to take me on an adventure,

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