Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Question, Question, Questions

My dear readers, I apologize for my horrific neglect of posting lately, and hope you can forgive me! The truth is, I've been very busy with school lately, and haven't had time to post. Maybe if you can convince American colleges that college algebra is NOT necessary for someone who wants and English degree, maybe I'll be able to post more often! But for now, I'm posting this: Ask me questions. Any kind of questions you want; weird ones, normal ones, long ones, short ones...you get the idea, put them as a comment on this post and I'll answer all of them in the next one.  I probably won't post again for a few days, but I can't wait to see the questions you ask! Oh, and feel free to ask more than one! :)



  1. Ooh! Pick me! (raises hand)
    --what is your testimony & have you been baptized?
    --What are top 3 books (trilogies do not count as one) you'd save from a certain disaster of your choosing?
    --what do you do to relax?

  2. hhhhmmmm, 1. If you could have one thing no matter how much it costs what would it be???
    2. The classic, if you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be???
    Finally... The classic, If you could live in any time period, which one would you choose???

  3. Would you rather...
    A) have Kelsier and Haymitch meet,
    B) See Fristen play the role of Katniss,
    C) Have a house made entirely out of fantasy worldy stuff?

  4. Oh.... ummm

    What is your favourite thing to do when it's horrible and wet out?

    Name something that you aspire to do but haven't found the courage/will to do yet?

    :) cool idea for a post!

  5. Yes, I wish I could convince colleges the same thing. I'm getting a Humanities degree...

    At least I only have to take two Algebra classes and that it's. :)

    1. Hey Lauren! Thanks for commenting! You have to take to algebra classes? That really stinks!

  6. @ Abbie Akins: Sorry, quick question: Who's Fristen???

  7. What is your favorite tv show?

    Do you prefer rainy, grey days, or bright sunshine-filled days?

    What is the one thing in the world that you are dying to do?

    Hope those weren't too many questions!
