Friday, March 21, 2014

The Skinny Jeans Dance

We all know it.

We all do it.

That odd little jig you do when you pull on your skinny jeans.

The one that gets a little more...enthusiastic when they're fresh out of the dryer. It looks like some twisted combination of an Irish Jig and a tribal rain dance. And then you do a few squats at the end just for good measure.

We need to put our thoughts into spiritual Skinny Jeans.

The Bible tells us to take every thought captive. The whole point of the Skinny Jeans Dance is that the pants are tight, difficult to get into, difficult to get out of. But not so bad once they're on. We need to put our thoughts through a little bit of dancing and stick them in some nice, tight, spiritual Skinny Jeans.

Which is where God intended them to be. He intended our thoughts to be pure, focused on Him. Not running every which way with every little idea. It takes a bit of a dance to get them there.

A sort of mental Skinny Jeans Dance. You have to jiggle them around, force them where you want them to go. Kind of like forcing your heel through the leg hole of a pair of skinny jeans.

But once they're on, Skinny Jeans aren't to bad. They're pretty comfortable, really. If we could make our minds focus 100% on God, on what is pure and good and holy and right, imagine how comfortable we'd be.

I wish I had more personal experience to say, "Yes! I've tried it, and it's so comfortable keeping my mind focused on the right things all the time!" But unfortunately, this is an area in which I struggle. I don't keep my mind where it needs to be. I tend to wear spiritual sweatpants. But I feel pretty confident saying that keeping our minds focused on what God wants us to focus on would be better and more pleasant for us.

So go forth and clad yourselves in spiritual Skinny Jeans, my friends!