Monday, May 28, 2012

Treating Young Men as Brothers in Christ

Hey everyone! I apologize for the long absence, and delayed start on these blog party posts. When I decided join in on the blog party, I did not realize that it would take place at the same time as a camping trip my family planned to take. So, the camping trip is over, and if you can find it in your hearts to forgive my absence, I'll begin my posts now, and keep going till I've made up for all three days.

Our topic is treating young men as brothers in Christ, and not being boy crazy girls. There are so many places to go with this topic that it seems hard to know where to start. But the answer should be simple. Obviously so, actually. The best place to start, is of course at the start! (Duh!) So, what exactly do we think of when we think of a 'boy crazy" girl? We all know them; always chasing after the boys, never happy unless they're with someone, or at least have a crush. And they are always on an emotional rollercoaster that doesn't ever stop. Sometimes they're happy, and sometimes they're horribly depressed. But it seems to me, that to some girls, being boy crazy is simply normal. Not wrong; normal. Like school and hair and friends. But it IS wrong. Why? Well, let's look at how the Bible talks a bout wrong. It isn't simply a list of do's and don'ts. The Sermon on the Mount starting in Matthew 5 reveals this. It takes the whole Law, and shows how it demands the right heart. To God, obedience is primarily a heart issue, not an appearance issue. So we've established that being boy crazy is the wrong attitude to have, and that right and wrong are heart issues.

But what, specifically is the wrong heart attitude that exists in being boy crazy? Let's say your enjoying some time to yourself, and your younger sibling asks you to get something down for them. You say no, because you don't won't to disturb your free time. What heart attitude dictates such an action? Selfishness, right? You want what you want, and you're not going to let any one get in the way of getting it. You're preferring yourself ahead of your sibling. The action was to tell your sibling no, your attitude was selfishness. So we return to the original question. What is the heart attitude that accompanies being boy crazy? What does a boy crazy girl care most about? The answer should be pretty obvious: Boys. What should we care most about? That answer should be pretty obvious as well: Christ. When we put anything, anything ahead of Christ, whether it be nail polish or boys, it is sin. That's the wrong attitude that goes along with being boy crazy.

So, we've established that being boy crazy is wrong, and why it's wrong, but how can we change? It's not like chewing your nails, or something, which is a physical thing. Fist and foremost, you have to ask forgiveness for your sin. Then you have to change. But we can't change our hearts on our own. We have to have help. Christ sent the Holy Spirit to live in us, and help us grow. He provides the strength that we cannot so that we can change. Specifically, your focus has to change. It has to change from boys, (where it shouldn't be) to Christ, (where it should be). This has to involve a LOT of prayer (just like everything else in life). You have to consciously work to change your focus. Realize when your becoming focused on boys and refocus on Christ. Seperate yourself if you have to. It's not going to be easy; nothing that's worth having is, and the Christian life is not easy. But we've been promised in Hebrews that He will never leave us or forsake us.

Thanks for listening, and be sure to comment if this doesn't make sense or if you have something to add! Comments make my day! And I'll be back tommorow! 

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