Monday, October 22, 2012

Answers, Answers, Aswers

Sorry it took me so long to post this, I've been way over loaded with school work lately. Like I said, the education system needs to be convinced that math is not necessary for an English degree. We should start a petition. Anyways. Answers. Here you go!

Have you been baptized, and what is your testimony?

Yes, I have been baptized, just last month actually. :) My testimony is rather unexciting, I was raised in a christian home from the time I was little. But here it is: When I was six, we moved to Georgia from Illinois. At that time my parents were not Christians. Somewhere between then and the time I turned seven, my mom become a believer. Sometime after that, my dad became a believer. For a long time, I can't remember exactly how old, I believed I was saved. As I started getting older, I still believed that I was saved, but for me salvation was all about being good. And my motives for being good weren't God's glory. It was to make me look good, to make everyone thing I was "good enough". I was a good little pharisee. Whenever I had a big fight with my parents or something, I would pray and "repent", but it was never real; it was always just to solve my problems, and get a temporary peace. I remember being able to see how my mom had changed, since she had been saved. I could also see that she was different form me. I used to always ask her, "What is it you have?" And she always told me, "All I have is Christ," But that never satisfied me, because I wanted a simple, do these things and you'll be saved. This went on until I was around 13 I think. Then I began to question my salvation, because I could see how my life didn't look like what the Bible described, or the lives of those around me who claimed to be believers. That went on for probably around a year, and I honestly didn't know if I was saved or not. Then I think when I was fourteen, I finally realized that I was not a believer, and that all my own efforts failed. I remember thinking, "I can't do this anymore" I realized that there was absolutely no way I could save myself. My only hope was in Christ, and if I were going to be saved, I couldn't do any of it myself. That's when I became a believer.

If you could have one thing, no matter how expensive, what would it be?

Wow, that's a hard one. There are lots of things I would want. My own bathroom, a dalmatian (I've always thought they were cute!) books....books...more list of books never ends. So, ultimately, I think I would get a library in my house. A really nice one, with those sliding ladders, and all kinds of cool little reading nooks, and those old-fashioned lights and things. Balconies with scrolled get the idea! That (I think) is what I would want. That would be so incredibly cool, I think I would choke of happiness!

If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Another hard one. I can't just pick one, there are so many people I want to meet for different reasons! Ronald Reagan, my favorite president, is one. Not only did he govern our nation well, but he had a great sense of humor, and he had an easy-to-understand way of speaking so that average people like me could understand when listening to (or reading) his speeches. Also he kept Jelly-Belly Jelly Beans on the Oval Office desk. :) Tolkien is another one I'd love to meet. I'd ask him all my questions about Middle-Earth, and then I would be like, "Master teach me your craft" That would be amazing. Absolutely so. J. K. Rowling would be another person. And she's alive! I'd also ask her to teach me! :) Peter. I'd love to meet the apostle Peter. And C. S. Lewis. He was amazing! That's a little more than just one person....but like I said, I couldn't pick just one!

If you could live in any time period, which would you choose?

Well, there are a few that I would choose from, but the ones that enchant me most are medieval England/Ireland, either one would do, revolutionary America, or Ancient Rome. Ever since I was in grade school, I've loved the revolutionary time period, so that's one place I'd go. Medieval Europe...that desire was mostly sparked by things like Robin Hood and Beowulf. I know, it wasn't really as nice as it sounds in the books, but I'd still love to see it! Or Ancient Rome. So much power, grandeur, and knowledge. For some reason it just sparks my interest. Maybe someday I'll build myself a TARDIS and go to all those places!

Would you rather have A. Have Kelsier and Haymitch meet, B. See Kristen play Katniss, or C. Have a house full of fantasy worldy stuff?

Well just on principal I think I'd have to say no to Kristen Stewart playing Katniss. I think I would die. I wouldn't be able to help thinking of Bella the whole time, and I would simply die inside. As for the others......hmm. Kelsier and Haymitch meeting would be pretty great....but so would a house full of stuff from fantasy worlds....I think I have to go with Kelsier and Haymitch meeting though. That would simply be hilarious and I wouldn't want to miss it!

What's your favorite thing to do when it's horrible and wet out?

Definitely  read or write! Preferably with coffee! When it's raining and cold outside I like to curl up in a comfy chair with a full warm mug of coffee and a good book, or my notebook and a pencil. The rain provides a nice backdrop for traveling to far away lands. And the coffee? Well, let's just say coffee is the answer no matter what the question is! Coffee is always necessary!

Name something that you aspire to do but haven't found the courage/will to do yet.

Well the first thing that comes to mind is back tuck (back flip with no hands) on floor at gymnastics. I know that I'm physically capable of doing it, but getting myself to actually go is hard. So far, I haven't done it. I'm still working up the courage. But I don't know if that counts, so here's another one. :) Publish a book. I always think about how when I finish it, I'm going to publish, but then I get all worried, like, "what if no one buys it?" and stuff like that. That is, if I ever finish one. I guess that could be something I haven't quite gotten the will for yet, but I'm working on it. I just write slowly :)

What is you favorite TV show?

I would have to say either Dr. Who or Merlin. Both are BBC. British TV is better. It just is. Accept it. :) The two show are so different though. I can't really compare them to pick a favorite. Dr. Who is a crazy, weird, and amazing sci-fi show, and Merlin is a retelling of the stories of King Arthur and Camelot...before Arthur is king. So I can't compare them. But those two are my top favorites. Next would have to be Avatar/Legend of Korra. That's awesome too! But again, you can't compare. These two are cartoons, the others aren't! I find it hard to compare them with enough similarities to pick a favorite. But those are my top four. :)

Do you prefer rainy grey days or  bright sunshine filled days?

Another one I can't give a straight answer to! It depends on what I'm doing and my mood. Usually, if I'm going places and have stuff to do, I feel more motivated on sunny days. But then there are days (alot of them, actually) when I just want it to be grey and rainy. I like both. Alot of times, I prefer grey and rainy, but if there's been to much of that, (or if it's summer) :) I prefer the sunshiny days.

What is one thing in the world you are dying to do?

This one is easy! :) Go to Ireland. Of all the things I could ever do, I think that would be at the top of my list. I've always loved Ireland, and I've always wanted to go there. I think it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen, and I want so badly to see it person. Not to mention the accents. Irish accents are simply the best. Scottish and English hold second, but Irish will always be my favorite. And they have all these old castles and things, and New Grange, and sweet little towns...aaah! I'd love to go there! More than any other place in the world! That's what I'm dying to do!

Thanks for all the questions, I loved answering them!

Until I go to Ireland and acquire an accent, 


  1. Loved all the questions! (and your testimony).
    Amen for BBC--British TV shows rock my socks off over and over again. :)

    Ireland would be amazing to go to,and so would Scotland. :) Mainly for the accents.

    1. Maybe if we work together we can raise the funds to go to such places and hear the accents! haha!

  2. Haha. Loved the indecisive answers. ;) But I don't blame you...I couldn't have done any better? Why must decisions be so difficult?

    1. I'm so indecisive! But when it comes to book-type do you choose?? :)
