Saturday, February 22, 2014

5 Things You Should Know About College Kids

1. They are always tired.
No, like really. It's a given , a constant state of being. To what extent varies, but it's always there in some form. In the background. So that when one of them sees a long bench at a booth or something the first thought is not, "that bench is strangely long," it's, "that bench is long enough to sleep on". Always. Tired.

2. They are utterly broke. (cliche, but who cares).
To the point that they usually know (or can figure out in a few seconds) the cheapest way to eat at any given restaurant. Because not only are they broke, they also have no time to eat actual meals where you sit down at an actual table and take the time to enjoy food and company. And if they have a gift card, they will eat at that place, regardless of how much they do or do not like it.

3. They could live out of their cars.
Seriously. If you get in the car of a college student, there will be a plethora of cups and bags from fast food places, a coat, a pair of shoes, a textbook, probably some old homework assignments, CD's all over the place, and any number of other things. They could probably pick out an entire outfit just from the clothes that get tossed in the car. Missing assignments? In the car. Phone? In the car. And while we're on the topic, they're good at multitasking in the car. They can eat, talk on the phone, put on make up all while driving.

4. They are firm supporters of the statement "Ignorance is bliss."
Most of them, at least. Those few days after a test and before grades are posted are some of the most blissful days in a college students life. The test is over, for better or for worse, and grades aren't there to be known yet, so why not spend a few days not stressed?

5.One word: Caffeine.
It doesn't matter what form it comes in. Coffee, Mountain Dew, tea, whatever it is. If it has caffeine in it, there's probably college students not far away. People like to think that college students hang out in coffee shops because they're quiet, or because that's where "cool people" go, or something like that. This is false. They are called COFFEE shops. What is contained in coffee? That's right. Caffeine.

There you have it. Five things you should know about college kids. If you are a college kid, read this and laugh. If not, read this and have sympathy for us.

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