Friday, January 20, 2012

Terms of Endearment

Well, I 've been called many diferent things during my life. I've been called Giggles, (true enough), I've been called Peanut (by my mother) because I was the smallest baby, and for a long time, the youngest child. I've been called Spaz, not sure why.... :), I've also been called Graceful, (Sarcasm intended). I'm sometimes called Sister, or Bobi.
All of these I can, in some way fit into a catagory (except Spaz :). Giggles is a term of endearment from my friends who speak the truth brutaly in love. My famiy calls me Peanut and Sister, and Little Sis, and ONLY Little Sis calls me Bobi. Gym people have called me Spaz, (any ideas on that?) and they've called me Graceful. But recently, I received a nickname that I have uterly NO IDEA what to make of. Let me relate the circumstances. I was teaching my preschool gymnastics class, preschool (as in 2 and 3 year olds), mind you, when I accadentaly called a kid by the wong name.
Me: You're not John, are you?
Kid shakes his head and smiles
Me: I'm silly aren't I?
Kid (with enthusiastic grin): Yeah, and you look like Lady Gaga!
Now, I ask you, is this a compliment? I mean, what am I supposed to do with that?!?


  1. Thats a new one.... I can honestly say You DONT look like Lady Gaga...

  2. old was the kid? If he's young then I'm worried about how he already knows about Lady Gaga....and that is hilarious. You don't look like her...unless you wear a meat dress. ;)

  3. Hey! I love your blog so much I tagged you:

  4. Haha, dear have been tagged in my blog!

  5. Tell him he looks like Justin Bieber, it's about as much of the truth as the fact that you look like Lady Gaga. :)
