Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Guest Post!!!!

Today, I convinced a special friend of mine to do a guest post! So here you go!
Tell us little bit about yourself:
Well my name's Mailyn Organa, I'm a sixteen year old girl, and I have a twin sister named Jailyn. People who don't know us well can never tell us apart! She and I are complete opposites. She is calm and collected, and never gets into trouble. i on the other hand am rather known for being a bit of a trouble maker, and as for calm and collected? Never! That would be a boring life! Despite that, we're as close as we could possibly be. She's like my other half!

Where do you live and where do you go to school?
I live in the Jedi Temple on Corosaunt. I guess you could say I go to school there to. I'm a Jedi Apprentice.

Who are some of your best friends?
Besides my sister? That would have to be Siri and Curi Amidala! Their sisters, Soara (the oldest) and Dara, (Curi's twin, they're youngest) are totally amazing to!

Why would you say that?
Well, they're loyal, dependable, trustworthy, and lots of fun! We've gotten into more trouble together than anyone in the history of the Temple! At least that's what it seems like! I have the greatest friends in the galaxy! They know how to have fun, and get into trouble, but when it comes to a battle, I'd trust any of them with my life.

What are some of the adventures you've had together?
More than I can count! I remember as a youngling being told by a certain Someone (Siri, ahem ahem!) that it was okay to sneak into the restricted section of the Jedi Archives behind one of the masters. That was my first time really in trouble. After that, there was the time we escaped the  Temple while on detention with the excuse that we were buying toothpaste, there were the numerous times when we had to manually clean up the kitchens, many cookies and much popcorn were consumed on those and many other occasions! There was the time Jailyn and I were sent on a mission to capture a notorious bounty hunter. I will never forget that more serious adventure. I also remember the day Siri introduced me to Umph, an energy drink. It's wonderful! The three of us drink it, and there's no looking back! We have the most wonderful times driving everyone nuts with it! Sometimes, we can even coax well behaved Jailyn Soara and Dara (Dara takes least convincing in my opinion) to join us in these things, and then it gets even better! We've never been allowed to go on a mission together with all five of us, because our masters have the strange idea that nothing would get done. Oh, yes, there was the time we put sleeping powder into every one's food, tee-pee-ed the Council Chamber, and framed someone for it! One time we managed to sneak several Jedi Knight's lightsabers away, and in effort to hide them from Master Yoda (he came upon us before we could return them) we stuck them in the oven. When he finally left, we discovered that the oven had been left on, and the lightsabers melted!

Thanks for posting Mailyn!
I think I know how she feels, I've got some friends like that myself! ;)


  1. HA. This rocks. :)

  2. Loved it. Haha. Good 'ol days. I remember them well. Thanks for posting!
