Thursday, April 12, 2012

An Essay on LOTR, And A Semnlance of Logic? Maybe?

This week for school, I was given the best assignment I've ever had in my entire life. I mean, it was a amazing. Like the best thing that could've happened. I've been longing to do an assignment of this sort since I read LOTR. An essay. On The Lord of the Rings. HOW MUCH BETTER CAN IT GET?!? Needless to say, I'm a little excited about this. I think my teacher might hate me after reading it though, because I'm not exactly known for being brief when it's something I enjoy. :) And technically it's about Fellowship, but she said we could use other books by Tolkien as well, so I am probably going to have to limit my self. :/ But HEY! It's still a Lord of the Rings essay!!
Also, I just finished a delightful dinner from McDonald's. A cheeseburger, a coke, and french fries. French fries are the stuff of the gods. I would have taken a picture of them to share their loveliness with you delightful people, but alas! I ate them all. So I will simply have to taunt you about their lovely golden deliciousness. Warm, perfectly salted crunchy and squishy, aaah...they were wonderful! But they are sadly gone. So is the coke.
Anyways, I'll stop talking about food now. I'm sure you're all wondering about the whole "semblance of logic" thing, because as most of you probably know, logic isn't exactly something I excel at. So here goes: Today I was thinking about to things that I say all the time. First that normal is a relative term. Second that weird people have more fun. Well, I realized, if normal is relative, then so is weird. And if weird is relative than every person is thought weird by somebody else. Therefore everyone is weird. AND if weird people have more fun, and everyone is weird, then everyone has the same amount of fun, because everyone is weird, so everyone has more fun. I don't know if any of that made any sense, but I had to try. :)

P.S I love followers. Like really. Just so you know.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read this essay! Also, great logical logic of logically logical statements.

    Your dinner reminded me of this song:
