Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Old Ladies, Books and Daisies

Old ladies.



Now, you may be wondering what these three things have in common. All shall be revealed in good time. For now, just know that I like to speculate about what my friends will be like in the future. In this case, far into the future:when we've achieved old lady-hood. (I think I just invented a word). We'll be librarians together, of that much, I'm convinced. So let us see how things play out. (In my mind anyways)
Joanna emerges from back room with a cup of tea.
Me: What's that?
Joanna:This, my friend is a pint!
Me: It comes in pints? I'm getting one! (goes to back room)
Nat: But you've already had a whole half!
(At this point on of the moms begins glancing at us covertly. She's new to the town, so for the sake of ease, we'll call her N.M)
AnnaKate (who has of course moved back to GA :): Don't drink the cactus water!!
I return from the back room: I get it now!
AnnaKate: Click!
Everyone laughs
N.M (Unsure how to phrase her question) Are they...you know....well...all okay?
Other Moms: Oh, their perfect old dears, but you know, their minds are starting to go, and they say all kinds of things. The children love them.
Joanna: I haven't lost my mind yet, young wippersnappers! I've always wanted to use that word!
(Lindsey walks in)
Me: The daisies are still there!
Lindsey: Duck...Duck...
Joanna (Remenisent smile): Oh, the Camp Days...
AnnaKate: half-blood?
Joanna (putting on affected British accent): But of course, dear!
AnnaKate: (points to one child in the library): That one reminds me of Saaka.
Natalie: Air-bending slice!
Robin: Airship sli-iice!
All laugh over this and the confused looks on the bystanders faces.

This was basically something that popped into my head awhile ago, and this is my first attempt to put into actuall words. But at least you can sort-of (hopefully) see what the three things mention at the begining of this weird post have to do with eachother. What think you? Should more be added? Some taken away? I love coments! :)