Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to Not Annoy Fast Food Workers

1. If you have a huge order, go inside instead of the drive through if at all possible. Because in the drive through, we're supposed to keep our times down. And when some lady comes in, orders two plates, three wings meals, a grilled cheese, and two orders of fries, then it takes us forever to make it, and then our drive times go up and that does not make anybody happy.
2. When you order, you don't have to taaaaalk liiiiiiike thisssss aaaaannnnnd saaaaaaayyyy eeeeeeveeeryyyythiiiinnng suuupeeeer sloooooowwwwwwlyyyyy. See how annoying that was to read? That's how it sounds to listen to as well. As long as you're not speaking at the speed of light, and you're enunciating your words like a good English speaker, I promise we can understand you. I've seen people take like 3 minutes to order, (although that may have been a combination of this and the above, but still) and then our drive times are blown.
3. Know what you're asking for. Please. I understand if you don't come to that place often, but, news flash guys, THAT'S WHAT MENUS ARE FOR!!! Don't sit there telling the cashiers, and there by the cooks, that you want something that's not on the menu. One time this guy came to the drive through asking for something none of us had ever heard of before. Not even at other restaurants. So. If you're unfamiliar, read the menu really quick, or if you can't GO INSIDE! Because in there, you can sit and stare at that menu as long as your little heart desires without affecting us.
4. This follows along with the last one. When you get to the drive through, order, and then don't change it at the window. That also causes drive times to go up. When we have to make another whole meal. And if you do do this, kindly remember that it is not our fault when you have to wait longer. (not saying people do this, I'm just throwing it out there) We are not the ones who have decisiveness issues.
5. Please, please, for the love of all that is good, KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!! When you pull up to the drive through, our clock starts running. And when you sit there going like this "Umm....I want a umm......hmmmm....I think I'll have a, a umm..." IT IS THE MOST ANNOYING THING IN THE WORLD. Or this one: "Ok, give me just a second" makes everyone want to say things like "I'm sorry, we don't sell those here,"  While you're sitting there, deciding what exactly you want and changing your mind a bajillion times, and using all the variations of "um" known to human kind, precious seconds are ticking away on our clock. And we can't start making YOUR  food until YOU order, so for Heaven's sake know what you want, don't sound like a sea sick whale, and order your food!!! And when you have kids with you, I have a ground breaking idea! While you are driving to the restaurant ask your children what they would like to eat. NOT when you pull into the drive through. ON THE WAY THERE say "We're going to such and such a place, what would you like?" So that you're not sitting there going "What do you want honey? No, I don't think they have that. Yes, you may get a kid's meal. Are you sure that's what you want?" And on and on it goes. Yes, we CAN hear you. And what you say in the car.

Okay, I'm done ranting now. It's safe to uncover your ears. No more shouting. So. I know I've been absent for awhile. School starts soon orientation is this Thursday. (Yikes!) And one other thing. Hopefully I will be posting a much longer, more interesting post soon. It's a  story I'm working on. No promises on how soon though.

Robin, the annoyed fast food worker. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Haha...sounds hectic! You should do a post one of these days about the things you like about drive thru's...if there are any. Like, do you ever get customers who make you laugh or smile? I am going to try to find a job outside fast food and stuffs. Haha. It sounds scary at times. ;)
