Friday, August 16, 2013

Hey There!

Well, after a long absence, I'm back. I feel like I haven't written in forever and I was like, "I need to write a blog post." So here we go. 

I feel like I should have something to tell about what I've been doing, but I haven't been doing much. Just working. So it's weird. Also my "s" key is sticking. Whatever. Anways. I've been working. And then, this past week, Monday through Thursday, a dear friend of mine came to visit (well actually I sorta kidnapped her, but that's beside the point) and we had a great time. We stayed up late every night, and made many midnight runs to the pantry. We watched Emma, which I'd never seen before (it was amazing) and she introduced me to the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. They were brilliant. Like they had me cracking up and sobbing on Annakate's arm. Go watch them. They are beautiful. On Wednesday night, we had coffee with a bunch of friends and got to surprise everybody, which was completely awesome! I think that the conversations you have with your friends at 1:30 are the best; and we had so many of them. It was wonderful; even if she stole my phone and hacked my facebook and told everybody that I was a Peeta fan and preferred Percy to Jason.   

In other news, today was the first day of college classes. Needless to say, because I'm me, I was freaked out about it. However, it wasn't to bad. Granted it's pretty hard to get worse than my first day of LAST semester, but still. :) I was well on my way to school when I realized I'd forgotten my schedule, so I had no idea where my classes were. Then, I was already close to being late when I missed the turn into the parking deck at school and had to search for it. When I got there I had to find the building (my mom texted me what was on my schedule :)) and was late to my first class. But then I went to my next class (English) and I LOVE my professor. She's going to be awesome! But then, for some reason I had an alarm set on my phone for 9 am, and (despite the fact that I had the sound turned off) it went off in the middle of class. And my professor just started laughing. Over all though,  it was a good day. :) 

But now I feel the need to watch a Harry Potter coming on. So I'm going to leave you lovely people for now and watch Harry Potter.

Until I get my Hogwarts letter, 

1 comment:

  1. 1. Yay, Gale!!
    2. WHAT? You like Jason over Percy??? Dishonor on you... Dishonor on your cow!!!
    3. I absolutely had the greatest time of ever at the Copper Coin the other day. We must all do that again!
    4. It was a funny story about your first day of college and everything. But when your professor laughed about your phone going off. I don't know... That got me. I laughed.
    5. If you get a Hogwarts letter, I'm sneaking off with you in your suitcase. Assuming that I don't get a letter. If I do. We all know how that would turn out. (Cue screaming and running wildly around the house...)
