Monday, June 11, 2012

Church Camp is the Best!!

Church Camp is, unfortunately over. We came home Saturday afternoon absolutly exausted and then had to get up for church on Sunday morning. But it was definatly worth it!!! We played numerous games of flagtag, (if you don't know what that is, I pity you) we played one game late at night with the jr. counselors, and some of the team counselors, which was really great because their were no small children to watch out for, and so...we weren't exactly specific about the rules we followed! :) We also played signs, which is a  rather complicated game to explain.
We swam in the lake, (which was cold) jumped of the dock, and rode the jet-ski! It was a wonderful week..or four days..or whatever! We also got to throw water ballons at the camp director on the last day! THAT was fun!! Anyways, the point of this post (or ramble) is that camp was, as always, AMAZING! I can't believe its over! I will, however, be able to post more regularly now, at least for a little while! :)

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