Thursday, September 20, 2012

Apples and Fall Weather

I'm sitting here, staring at the blank screen in front of me trying to think of something to write, but my ornery mind keeps wandering to how good this apple tastes. Which in turn makes me think of how the weather's cooling. AHA! Something to post about. Fall. And the beauties there of.
I love Fall. It's probably my favorite season of the year. It's so pretty. The trees come alive with color. Now, don't get me wrong, I love all the innumerable shades of green in summer. But there's something about those fall leaves that just radiates loveliness.

I am not a photographer. Pictures from Google.

See what I mean? Beautiful. I also love how the wind picks up in fall. It's a gentle wind that blows a whisper of cold weather to come, but it doesn't block out the warmth from the sun. I love the way the wind lovingly caresses me, and makes me feel simply alive. I love the wind. And fall comes with the wind. Fall is comfortable. It gives you a slight chill that requires a comfy sweater, but still warm enough to make being outside enjoyable. I'm so glad it's fall! Now, if only I could have fall without school. That would make it perfect!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Psych Teacher is Psycho

Excuse me. My psychology Professor is a little bit strange. Nah scratch that, I don't feel like being polite. My   psych teacher really is crazy.
No really. 

She is. 

She would be even if she weren't teaching psychology. Which is a load of rubbish anyways. At least in my opinion. For one thing, she's been teaching for like thirty years and she still doesn't know how the computers work. And when she tries to get the internet up she's always like, "Now pray to whatever your god is that this works". Or something like that. Its super annoying. And when she lectures, she starts out on one train of thought, and then goes of on another, and by the time she gets back around to the first, she's forgotten what it was about in the first place. 


And the other day she said at some point in the lecture, "more fuller". That like, hurt my very SOUL. My college professor used improper English. It's a disgrace to this beautiful language we speak!  And the interesting thing is, when I talked to a friend, she said she vaguely remembers her sister saying the same thing about her psych teacher. So. I came up with a theory. Are you ready for this? Good. Cause here we go.

They are all the same.

Which should raise a suspicion in your minds.

They're aliens! They've disguised themselves as humans and gotten jobs as teachers!

They've come to earth to brainwash our young to their beliefs so they can take over the world.

That is a dirty low trick.
Targeting the children.

They are heartless, these aliens!

Ok, so maybe that's a little extreme. But you never know. It could be true. We wouldn't know until they attacked us in order to fully take over. Which is why its a perfect plan. But they do not know that we Charms! Oh, yes! We have Lucky Charms! We shall be invincible! ...Until the sugar rush wears off. But who knows? Maybe Lucky Charms are deadly to the aliens. Do you have any ideas?

Until I defeat the aliens, 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Grey Days

I'm home from work, done cleaning, and now I'm sitting here at my computer waiting for friends to get here for a night of food and football and....contemplating. Contemplating what? Contemplating how grey days make me contemplative. (I'm also wondering whether grey is spelled grey or gray?)

Sunshiny-is that even a word? I mean, if I looked in the dictionary would I find it? Or is it just something people say? Anyways random rabbit trail, there. Back to what I was going to say. Sunshiny days make me just happy. Something about the literally yellow sun the bright blue sky and little puffy clouds, the warmth that beats softly down on your face, it just makes me happy. I think its the way those days are so classic so to speak. Like when some one says "Nice day" you think of (or at least I do) a day like that. Those are the days that you read about when your a little kid in all those story books. Those are the days I have some of the happiest memories of playing outside at the playground or in my backyard.

Windy days make me feel alive. The way it blows in my face and whips my hair back, the sound it makes in the trees, a soft rustling or a strong woosh. How it can be a gentle touch, or hard buffeting. I love them both I love that even though it can't be seen I can feel it. Feel it pushing me and pulling me, and wrapping itself all around me. I love the wind. On windy days I always feel alive and awake, and glad to be so. Windy days, I think, are my favorite.

Grey? Gray? Whatever. Grey days make me feel like a philosopher; contemplative, like I said. I don't know why, maybe its something about how a grey sky makes the world a bit heavier and more mysterious. Not quiet like a storm, but clear and plain like sunny days. Maybe its the fact that the sky seems lower to the ground, the very air sometimes takes on new weight, maybe that's what makes me want to think on days like this.

Wow, I just spent a whole post talking about the weather! But that's what you get when you listen to me! :) Random talks about weather! So what do you think of grey days? Or any kinds of days? What sort of weather do you like best? Storms? I love storms, they're so exciting, they wake up the adventurer in me. They're also great inspiration for writing exciting stories. :)


Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Hunger Games

So, I know you're probably all thinking, "Oh no, not another Hunger Games post. I thought we were DONE with that!" I know not all of you are, ;) but still. I know what you mean. I mention The Hunger Games to a friend the other day, and she told me she wasn't talking about The Hunger Games unless it had something to do with Mocking Jay. I asked her why, and she said, "Because it's becoming the next Twilight, and it's driving me crazy!" But you can all rest assured, that there will be none of that nonsense in this post (hopefully). Aaaaaand.....I just lost my train of thought. See? There it goes. Hold on just a sec. I gotta go catch it.

The Hunger Games is becoming something that it was never meant to be. (Got my train back). It's becoming a debate over who's hotter: Gale, Peeta, Finnick or Cato. It's becoming a simple which guy is the girl going to choose amidst all this other stuff that's going on in her life. It was not meant to be a novel stuffed with cheese. It was meant to have meaning. I don't have one specific place to start, just a bunch of thoughts on the matter, so I'm just going to pick one of them, and start with it.

"It takes twice as long to put yourslef back together again as it does to fall apart,"~ Finnick.
Think about it. It's so much easier to fall into a pit than to climb out of it once you fall in. Have you ever noticed that its so easy sometimes, to give into your emotions? To just sink into that despair that nothing will ever work like its supposed to?  It's so easy to give in to that, to let yourself fall apart. But to put yourself back together again? That's hard. To climb out of the ditch of emotion and confusion that you've fallen into. Finnick is telling Katniss that she can't give into the despair, the stress, the madness, that awaits her. He says that if she once gives into that, it will be twice as hard to climb out of it. Not worth the momentary relief the emotions offer. Katniss is surrounded by war, by a man threatening every one she loves, forcing one them to unwillfully betray them, changing his very memories so that he thinks Katniss is an enemy. Yet she can't give into her emotions. She can't let herself fall apart. Or it would take twice as long to put herself back together again.

And Haymitch. Everyone laughs at the scene where he falls drunk off the stage and his drunken antics on the train, and they are funny, and I did my fair share of laughing, but did you ever stop to really consider the reason behing the drunkeness? Haymitch won the games, which at first, sounds great, he lived, never to play in the games again, but it's not. Now, every year until he dies he has to mentor the District 12 tributes. And District 12, one of the poorest, sends its poor, hungry, terified children to the Games, and Haymitch has to work to find them sponsers, everything he, as a mentor, can do to keep them alive, and then watch them die anyways. Imagine that. Year after year. He drinks himself into blessed oblivian. When he says, "Here's some advice: Stay alive!" It's more than just a humurous quote, it's also a demonstration of a man who's given in to hopelessness. He's accepted the appearent truth that all his tributes are going to die. And it haunts him. Haunts him so that he drinks to forget. To forget the deaths he's been forced to watch. He drinks because for him, there is no other relief. He's doomed to try and save those who will die. To watch the deaths of the innocent, who cannot save themselves. No wonder he wants a way out.

Katniss, who at the end of Mocking Jay, admits she is afraid even of good things because they could be taken away. And that was her experiance in life. If you had something good, it got taken away. Life held nothing good, and if it did it could not last. She told Gale she never wanted to have children, a joy every one of us looks forward to with joy. She didn't want to have children, because how could one be so cruel as to bring children into a world where you're so poor you have to put your name in the Hunger Games drawing more than once in order to eat, as if once wasn't bad enough. How could you raise children in that world? She didn't want to bring more lives more misery.

These are just a few examples. But the Hunger Games is a story about human nature. About how we work. How our thoughts and emotions, our minds, how they respond to life, and trials. It shows us what humans are capable of becoming, from President Snow, to Finnick Odair, to the smallest child killed by the parachute bombs dropped in the Capitol. So what themes or ideas do you see? Please comment! I love hearing everyone's thoughts!