Saturday, September 8, 2012

Grey Days

I'm home from work, done cleaning, and now I'm sitting here at my computer waiting for friends to get here for a night of food and football and....contemplating. Contemplating what? Contemplating how grey days make me contemplative. (I'm also wondering whether grey is spelled grey or gray?)

Sunshiny-is that even a word? I mean, if I looked in the dictionary would I find it? Or is it just something people say? Anyways random rabbit trail, there. Back to what I was going to say. Sunshiny days make me just happy. Something about the literally yellow sun the bright blue sky and little puffy clouds, the warmth that beats softly down on your face, it just makes me happy. I think its the way those days are so classic so to speak. Like when some one says "Nice day" you think of (or at least I do) a day like that. Those are the days that you read about when your a little kid in all those story books. Those are the days I have some of the happiest memories of playing outside at the playground or in my backyard.

Windy days make me feel alive. The way it blows in my face and whips my hair back, the sound it makes in the trees, a soft rustling or a strong woosh. How it can be a gentle touch, or hard buffeting. I love them both I love that even though it can't be seen I can feel it. Feel it pushing me and pulling me, and wrapping itself all around me. I love the wind. On windy days I always feel alive and awake, and glad to be so. Windy days, I think, are my favorite.

Grey? Gray? Whatever. Grey days make me feel like a philosopher; contemplative, like I said. I don't know why, maybe its something about how a grey sky makes the world a bit heavier and more mysterious. Not quiet like a storm, but clear and plain like sunny days. Maybe its the fact that the sky seems lower to the ground, the very air sometimes takes on new weight, maybe that's what makes me want to think on days like this.

Wow, I just spent a whole post talking about the weather! But that's what you get when you listen to me! :) Random talks about weather! So what do you think of grey days? Or any kinds of days? What sort of weather do you like best? Storms? I love storms, they're so exciting, they wake up the adventurer in me. They're also great inspiration for writing exciting stories. :)



  1. Haha! love the contemplative posts. :) windy days are pretty cool, but I prefer the still calm that comes with a steady soft rain or the silence that comes after it. :D

  2. You can spell grey whichever way you want. "Grey" is English spelling, and "Gray" is how we spell it here in the states. I personally prefer "grey". I use gray when referring to a crayon, but grey when referring to a stormy sky. Grey looks poetic, whereas this "gray" looks harsher. Well, there's my thoughts on "grey" vs. "Gray". Have fun watching football with friends!

    1. haha, thanks for the thoughts! I prefer "grey" too. It looks like the color, if that makes any sense! :)
