Sunday, July 15, 2012

Guest Post by Robin's Mom

I am sure, readers, that you are aware our sweet Robin has spent the last 15 days serving the Lord in Krapina, Croatia.  She comes home tomorrow—I can hardly wait to get my “mama” arms around that girl!  So, yes, it is about time (and almost too late) for me to fulfill the request she made of me to be a guest poster on her blog.  (Does that make me a poster child? J )!

Procrastination has not made this any easier!  Staring at a blank screen, especially one with an audience, is quite intimidating.  A smart “mama-guest-poster” would have posted the very first day and asked the followers of this blog to send in their questions about the blog-holder.  Ahh, the wealth of topics about which I might have written!  But alas, apparently I not a smart “mama-guest-poster.”  (Does that mean I lose my status as a poster child?L)

On the other hand, this is a great day to post on her behalf because today would have been Robin’s grandmother’s 83rd birthday.  Sadly, Robin never knew my mom.  I have often told Robin that Grandmother would have enjoyed her so, soo, sooo much.  Grandmother loved to laugh. Sound like anyone you know?  Grandmother also loved purple (well, actually, lavender, but close enough).  She did not wear the color because she felt her complexion had too much of a yellow undertone to go well with lavender.  Now, consider Robin.  Loves purple, and looks good in purple…and with her complexion bolder, brighter colors are best.  Grandmother loved to read.  She also was a very creative poet—of the humorous variety, mostly.  (There’s that love of laughter again!)  Is it just me? Or does this remind you of anybody you know?  And Grandmother was a seamstress extraordinaire.  SCREECH.Gasp! I can see each of you backing up to re-read that…..or possibly rushing ahead to see if I am about to tell you that Robin is a closet seamstress.  Right? Haha   No, Robin is not a seamstress; I mention the sewing because when Robin was about 4 years old she would sit at the table next to me while I was sewing.  She would take my scraps and line them up exactly so. Pin them in place with my straight pins and pass it to me with very specific instructions as to where I was to stitch.  I’m still not sure what we were making, but I KNOW Grandmother would have been proud!  (And laughed her uniquely joyful laugh!)  So, happy birthday, Grandmother! 

Back to Robin’s love of all things purple (except eggplant).  Robin has loved Purple at least since kindergarten, possibly even preschool.  Her kindergarten papers were ALWAYS written in purple.  The director of our church preschool/kindergarten specifically selected Lilly and the Purple Purse to read to Robin’s class.  For years I have harbored the secret fear that I might possibly be responsible for this obsession great attraction to all things purple (except eggplant, and lipstick) because when we moved her to a big-girl bed I painted her room a very soft……yes, purple. But now that I’ve given it some, a-hem, serious consideration…..clearly the fault lies squarely in my mother’s lap! J

Since I was not timely in coming up with the idea of asking you to send in your questions about Robin, let me leave you with a few questions you can ask her….

What is a skinny Mickey?

Just when, exactly, did this obsession with having socks unmated in your drawer begin?

Was there ever a time you didn’t love purple?

What are please coins? (And the related question, “Can you say stubborn?”)

What is a round part that you don’t have to comb?

Do you want to play the F-U-N game?

What is the first story* you ever wrote? 

Robin, you are good medicine! Proverbs 17:22

Thank you, Robin’s readers, for bearing with me through this, my first ever, blog post.  Go ahead and send in your questions….perhaps I will be invited back another day!

*I came across it while cleaning the school room this week!


  1. Okay, now I am curious. What was the first story you ever wrote, Robin dear.

  2. All of the above robin, we're waiting. :)

  3. Well, my fist story was something along the lines of "There were some unicorns in a field and they went to eat blueberries" There was probably more, but this was when I was in preschool/kindergarten, so I don't remember.
    As for the others, "Skinny Mickey" came about when I was like, 3 and my mom called me "Skinny Minnie" but I liked Mickey better, so when she called me that, I would be like, "No, skinny MICKEY!"
    Th eunmated socks thing I don't actually remember, just been told the story. When I was a baby I pulled all the socks out of the drawer and into the crib, then scattered them all over.
    I don't remember ever not liking purple. It's been my favorite color for as long as I can remember! :)
    Oh my....please you REALLY wanna know? When I was a SMALL CHILD I WAS extremely stubborn. So one day, I just decided I wouldn't say please. So my genious-y mother decided to make little paper coins and call them "please coins". Every time I wanted something, and wouldn't say please, I had to give her a please coin. And when the coins ran out, I either said please or didn't get what I wanted. So one day I ran out, and I said please. And yes, I can say stubborn!
    A round part that doesn't need a comb....ahh the memories! When I was little, I used to call my dad's bald spot his part. And well, obviously, it didn't need a comb! :)
    "F-U-N, F-U-N, F-U-N spells FUN!" When my friend Darby and I were wee lasses, we played this game with her mother where we weren't allowed to have fun. So her mother was the mean lady who didn't let us have fun, and we came up with all sorts of ways to "convince" her that fun was good!

    1. This is gold. Pure gold. Haha. These were great!
