Monday, July 16, 2012

Well, I'm Back!

I came home from Croatia today. I spent 10 hours on a plan in cramped postions. 'Scuse me, plane. Also eplease excuse my lousy typoing, I'm rather tired and typing, )(let alone thinking) isn't going so well at the moment. Humr humor also, now that you mention it! I'm to lazty and tired to edit this, soooo yeah.
Anyways, I'm tire, did I already say that? :) The mission trip was wonderful, I enjoyed myself alot, and I think God is doing a good work there. While I'm on this track, let me ask you to pray for the people there. It's pretty much all Catholic, with very little Light.
Ten nhours on a plane does weird things to your brain. Earlier, I went to dinner with some people who went on the trip and some other friends. Evverything is funny! We played spoons, WITH OUR NOSES!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW AWSOME IS THAT??? Also, I drank lots of coke. ANd Croation bread is better than American bread. No debate involved. Also there ice cream. It. Is. Wonderfull. Perioin=d. Period. End of story.  Also ther e piza. It is heaven! There's this one pizza, whih sounds gross, but it is sso good! As in delisios so ggood! It has ham and then sheese and salomi on too, and (this is the gross sounding, but bset tasting part) sour cream. Itys sastarts with a "z". Mmmmm! So much goodness!
Wow, my tyoing i8s getting worse as I go! hahaha! Oh, and there chocolate? Yeah, its waaaaaaaay better than ours! Also....I have...oen one....last... message....
DOBRE PALENCHINKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That means "good pankakes" in Croatian. I spelled it wrong probabaly. heheheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!
Okay, I should probably be done neo, I'm getting loopier as I speak! So Bok, volim te, dear readers! (Bye, love you, in Croation) HOPefully my next post will be more coherant!


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA!This is hysterical! Robin dear, you are in much need of rest! So glad you were able to go on the missions trip!

  2. ohMY, Dear, I will excuse all the times you confused 'there' with "their" or "they're". ;)

  3. Your missions trip must have been so amazing! Going to Croatia sounds so cool!

    1. Vivi, thanks so much for commenting! The trip was amazing! And, Nat, I just went back and re-read this post, and my typing was a lot worse than I thought! haha!

  4. Ahh wow sounds really good! Wish ud post some pictures of your trip up!

    1. I didn't take any pictures myself because I didn't have my camera with me, but I will try and get a few of the camp and post them!
