Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Little Things

It's the Little things. Playing Ultimate Frisbee barefoot in a field. Squeezing into a huge squishy chair with my friend to share amusing, stupid and deep heart-to-heart conversations. Cleaning house to movie soundtracks. Getting an out of the blue gift from my parents; a package of Sharpie products: 5 sharpie pens (red, black, blue, green, and.... *drum roll* PURPLE!!!), 3 Sharpie markers (red, blue and black) and 3 Sharpie highlighters (pink, yellow and orange). A hysterical conversation over Little Caesar's pizza with friends. A game of Apples to Apples Bible Version that turned into a theological debate. Totally geeking out over a Lord of the Rings Risk board. (It was SERIOUSLY awesome). Card games. Trying to teach the guys to do handstands with one of my best friends. Discussing muscle groups, of all things. Watching a few episodes of Dr. Who, on the tv in the living room cause no one's home. Babysitting cute kids.

I know we say it all the time, but it really is the little things in life. I get excited about big things in my life, but sometimes, the little ones can be pretty exciting to. That pack of Sharpie things sent me running through the house laughing like a child out of joy. With college (and the rest of school) starting, I've been so busy I can't get anything straight in my brain. But the other day, when I realized I hadn't posted in a while, I started wondering what to blog about. Then I started thinking about all the things that had happened recently, sharpies, Frisbee, etc., and I realized just how great they are. Even now, as I'm thinking back on these little instances that don't matter a bit in the grand scheme of things, make me smile, make me happy.

So remember the little things. They often create some of the most wonderful memories we can have.


Friday, August 17, 2012

I Have No Idea What To Title This Post...Any Ideas?

No, seriously. I can't think of a title that fits all the things that will be in this post. So if you have an idea leave it in a comment. Remember, comments (and followers) make my day! Who knows, maybe I'll go back and use one of your titles, (if you don't mind, that is =) in this post.
So, yesterday was a crazy day for me. At 8:00 A.M I went to the driving place and took my driver's test for the second time. (I failed the first one.) I passed, and I feel like my entire body let out a gigantic sigh of relief when the guy (it was an old dude who talked really low) said I passed. then I couldn't stop grinning. And thinking about how weird it was (is) that I am a licensed driver. Then after some school, and a really tedious anatomy study guide, I drove to College Bible Study. Now, see if you can spot two weird words in that sentence. DING DING DING!!! *Game show host voice* That's right! You got it! Drove and college! Not only did I drive myself somewhere, I drove myself to College Bible Study! I feel so....old! I know I've said that alot in these last few posts, but hopefully this'll be the last time. I'm still trying to process all this stuff. Oh, speaking of feeling old, I also have a college ID for my college classes which start on Monday. YIKES!
Today, not much happened, except for me almost getting my mother and I lost, and eating cookie dough with my friend. Then I drove myself to gymnastics practice. Drove myself. Still weired out over here. On the way home though, I saw something somewhat amusing. At least I thought it was. You may not share my weird sense of humor. Who knows. Well, I guess you do. But that's beside the point. On the way home I passed a bright yellow sports car with it's convertible top down. Being driven by a little old man. It made me laugh. Some old dude driving his bright yellow fancy convertible car.
So what has been happening in your life lately? What's made you laugh recently? I'd love to know! =)

Until I become a famous published author,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Begining...of a Whirlwind

Today was the first day of school. The first day of Senior year. #can'tbelievethisishappening
Anyways, I finished like half of my advanced comp. homework already, so I feel entitled to write a blog post. Especially since I haven't done so in a week. I'm sorry. I was on vacation and didn't have time. Hopefully my posting will become more consistent now that school's started.

This year is going to be crazy for me. Not all at once, but several things are changing for me this year and the beginning of next. Starting today. I am officially a Senior. Whaaaaaaaaaat??? Tomorrow, I'm going to be taking my driving test. So I can have a license. I'll be *gasp* a LICENSED DRIVER!es along with my Yikes! Then (this isn't so huge, it just goes along with my topic of changing things) I'll go (as in drive myself) to my church's college Bible Study. How weird is that? I'm old enough to go to college group! On Monday, I will be starting college classes. Even weirder. It won't be like...all church people! *Runs and hides in corner* Then that's it for awhile. Then. I'm not sure if I've already mentioned this or not, so sorry if I have. But my sister is *drum roll* getting married!!!!!!!! She's getting married in March! She got engaged in February. Her fiance is really great. When he proposed, he took a picture of the ring and had it hung in an art gallery in downtown Chicago, where he lives. They went to go look at the art galleries one day, and when they got to that picture he pointed that one out. She looked at it, and as she read the caption, which said, "Christina, will you marry me?" he got down on his knee with the ring and asked her to marry him! And she said "Yes", of course! I'm so excited.

The day after the wedding is my birthday. I'll be eighteen...old. I'll be a legal adult. I'll be able to vote in the next election. For all technical purposes, I'll be a...a...GROWN-UP. *horror movie screams* But not really. I know I won't act like it. Being young and goofy is much more fun! :) THEN In May. I will graduate. What is this??? I can't believe I will be out of highschool in less than a full year! I'm trying not to think about it to much! Anyways, that's all I have to say for the moment. So, what's up in your lives? Anything new or interesting or old and dull, or crazy and mind blowing? Share your thoughts! And please, please, please follow me! Followers (and comments) make my day!

Until the Doctor comes to take me on an adventure,

Monday, August 6, 2012

Rambling Random Thoughts

I was going to make that title sound all cute with three R's.....but I couldn't think of another "R" word, so I didn't. I just put thoughts instead. I could have put something like rings or rocks or roads or rabbits or rats but none of those would make sense. Rabbits are cute though. I'm watching men's gymnastics right now. Those guys haveinsanely HUGE muscles. Like seriously huge. I have a talent for pointing out the obvious. It's 11:30 at night, and i have no idea what to write about. My thoughts are dripping through my brain like quicksand. I've tried to think thoughts and write and be creative all day but it's not working. Every time I try it's like my brain just goes, "Meh." and that's as far as I can get.

I have open house for school tomorrow. That means the day I start school is like a week away. In one week people, I'll be a ...DUN DUN DUN... SENIOR! *gasps and horrified screams* Where in the world did my life go? I feel! What is this? I'm almost done with high school? Huh? At least I'm only taking five classes. But three of them are at...DUN DUN DUN....COLLAGE! *Gasps and horrified screams again* There will be people there. Normal people. I'll have to be *Gasp* NORMAL! Not only normal, but SOCIAL! WHAAAAAAAAAT???

Speaking of, this made me laugh....

Also, in other news/thoughts/rocks/roads/rabbits, I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities. Again. Voluntarily. That's the crazy part. I am willingly reading this book. After all my complaining about it this year. After having it assigned in school twice in two separate years, and neither time finishing it. I was told by two people that have similar taste in books to me, that it is a good book. Also, that being made to read it in a week is wrong. Also when I read it on Sparknotes, (yes, I used Sparknotes for school last year, though I am ashamed to admit it :) I enjoyed the story. It was very interesting with many plot twists and crazy stuff. So I am reading it again, taking more than a week, and this time I WILL finish it.

Oh wow. It's almost 12. I've been rambling for a half an hour now. So thank-you, dear readers, for listening to my Rambling Random Rabbit Road. HA! All R's!

Until another day when I am not having my mind blown,

Friday, August 3, 2012


I'm sorry I've been so slow in posting. The fact is that I was crazy busy and didn't have time was basically lazy and forgot to post. So. I'll give you a hopefully not-too-typical update of what I've been doing. Because I HAVE been doing stuff, just not enough that I can use it as an excuse to not post!
So, let's see.......last Thursday I went to the Tennessee aquarium with some friends that are moving back to GA after a long absence (YAY!) and ate lunch with them. Also, let me just say, this aquarium is waaaaaaaaay better than the GA aquarium. I've also been following the Olympics, (especially gymnastics) and loving it! I love watching the Olympics, it's so cool to see all these amazing athletes from all over the world compete! And, I know that sounds kind of cliched, but it's true!  The Women's Gymnastics team has been amazing!

A few days ago, I went to a friend's house to have a Dr. Who marathon, and it was amazing! That show is incredibly cool! So crazy and weird and awesome! We stayed up all night watching it and eating junk food, it was really great! The next day I went to an outlet mall with the same friends we went to the aquarium with, plus another friend. The three of us, I mean my two friends and I, were having a great time being crazy. I think our moms were sort of pretending they didn't know us! *laughs* We went into Children's Place, and got sort of bored, and so we started trying on all the hats for the little kids and making goofy faces! I would post pictures, but unfortunately my friend has them all on her ipod. Oh, we also tried on the tiny sunglasses!
THEN my sister decided she wanted to have a My Little Pony marathon with her friends. Now, this is a frightening concept. Six little girls, all obsessed with My Little Pony, watching it together. In one place. But my friends came to my rescue! Last night, (the night of said marathon) they came and we hid ourselves in the basement away from the My Little Pony cheesiness, and did what we always do. That is, act crazy. (We couldn't avoid getting the theme song stuck in our heads, but that is a small casualty) We ate lots of junk food, watched the all-around women's gymnastics competition, and rejoiced with Gabby Douglas as she won gold! That made me so ridiculously happy! It was so close between us and the Russians the whole time, but Gabby managed to stay ahead and win the gold! But Russia did great as well, and they earned the silver! We stayed up till 5, talking, drawing on each other, and watching the extended version of The Two Towers. We were woken up at NINE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!! Talk about injustice! But we were provided with coffee and home-made waffles, so that sort of made up for it!

There you have it, all the stuff that I've done since my last post. Hopefully I won't have this long of gap between posts for awhile.

Until I become an Olympic gymnast and meet the Doctor,