Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Little Things

It's the Little things. Playing Ultimate Frisbee barefoot in a field. Squeezing into a huge squishy chair with my friend to share amusing, stupid and deep heart-to-heart conversations. Cleaning house to movie soundtracks. Getting an out of the blue gift from my parents; a package of Sharpie products: 5 sharpie pens (red, black, blue, green, and.... *drum roll* PURPLE!!!), 3 Sharpie markers (red, blue and black) and 3 Sharpie highlighters (pink, yellow and orange). A hysterical conversation over Little Caesar's pizza with friends. A game of Apples to Apples Bible Version that turned into a theological debate. Totally geeking out over a Lord of the Rings Risk board. (It was SERIOUSLY awesome). Card games. Trying to teach the guys to do handstands with one of my best friends. Discussing muscle groups, of all things. Watching a few episodes of Dr. Who, on the tv in the living room cause no one's home. Babysitting cute kids.

I know we say it all the time, but it really is the little things in life. I get excited about big things in my life, but sometimes, the little ones can be pretty exciting to. That pack of Sharpie things sent me running through the house laughing like a child out of joy. With college (and the rest of school) starting, I've been so busy I can't get anything straight in my brain. But the other day, when I realized I hadn't posted in a while, I started wondering what to blog about. Then I started thinking about all the things that had happened recently, sharpies, Frisbee, etc., and I realized just how great they are. Even now, as I'm thinking back on these little instances that don't matter a bit in the grand scheme of things, make me smile, make me happy.

So remember the little things. They often create some of the most wonderful memories we can have.



  1. Aww, this is such a happy post!! :)

  2. Sounds like you've had a busy but enjoyable few weeks! Haha. You crazy, college kid. ;p
    So happy your doing well with it all!

    1. Hey, I'm still technically a highschool kid! I haven't graduated yet! haha!
