Friday, August 17, 2012

I Have No Idea What To Title This Post...Any Ideas?

No, seriously. I can't think of a title that fits all the things that will be in this post. So if you have an idea leave it in a comment. Remember, comments (and followers) make my day! Who knows, maybe I'll go back and use one of your titles, (if you don't mind, that is =) in this post.
So, yesterday was a crazy day for me. At 8:00 A.M I went to the driving place and took my driver's test for the second time. (I failed the first one.) I passed, and I feel like my entire body let out a gigantic sigh of relief when the guy (it was an old dude who talked really low) said I passed. then I couldn't stop grinning. And thinking about how weird it was (is) that I am a licensed driver. Then after some school, and a really tedious anatomy study guide, I drove to College Bible Study. Now, see if you can spot two weird words in that sentence. DING DING DING!!! *Game show host voice* That's right! You got it! Drove and college! Not only did I drive myself somewhere, I drove myself to College Bible Study! I feel so....old! I know I've said that alot in these last few posts, but hopefully this'll be the last time. I'm still trying to process all this stuff. Oh, speaking of feeling old, I also have a college ID for my college classes which start on Monday. YIKES!
Today, not much happened, except for me almost getting my mother and I lost, and eating cookie dough with my friend. Then I drove myself to gymnastics practice. Drove myself. Still weired out over here. On the way home though, I saw something somewhat amusing. At least I thought it was. You may not share my weird sense of humor. Who knows. Well, I guess you do. But that's beside the point. On the way home I passed a bright yellow sports car with it's convertible top down. Being driven by a little old man. It made me laugh. Some old dude driving his bright yellow fancy convertible car.
So what has been happening in your life lately? What's made you laugh recently? I'd love to know! =)

Until I become a famous published author,


  1. Weeell, since you're so old, I'd consider titling it, "White hair and Wrinkles... (And did I mention the little old man in the sports car?)"

  2. The driving adventures of an OLD person :P

  3. AAAH YOU PASSED YOUR TEST?!?! AAAAHHHHH! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU! AHHH. Okay I'm done. But seriously. that's awesome.

    And as for the title: "The day my life changed forever" is very dramatic.

  4. HOLY COW, Miss college driver old person. You're getting up there. Pretty soon you'll be married and will have ten kids and I will come over and watch them while you go get a pedicure.
    Sorry, that last part was from a movie line...but seriously, I could totally do that later on in the future. ;) So happy you got your license! You go girly!

  5. Wow, thanks guuys! Now I can't decide on a title! They're all great! I think I'm leaning toward "The day my life changed forver", but I also like how the other two mentioned being old. haha! also, the old man in the sports car. AAH! Do you see my dilema?? I'll keep thinking about it. Or maybe I'll use all three. We'll see! :)
