Monday, August 6, 2012

Rambling Random Thoughts

I was going to make that title sound all cute with three R's.....but I couldn't think of another "R" word, so I didn't. I just put thoughts instead. I could have put something like rings or rocks or roads or rabbits or rats but none of those would make sense. Rabbits are cute though. I'm watching men's gymnastics right now. Those guys haveinsanely HUGE muscles. Like seriously huge. I have a talent for pointing out the obvious. It's 11:30 at night, and i have no idea what to write about. My thoughts are dripping through my brain like quicksand. I've tried to think thoughts and write and be creative all day but it's not working. Every time I try it's like my brain just goes, "Meh." and that's as far as I can get.

I have open house for school tomorrow. That means the day I start school is like a week away. In one week people, I'll be a ...DUN DUN DUN... SENIOR! *gasps and horrified screams* Where in the world did my life go? I feel! What is this? I'm almost done with high school? Huh? At least I'm only taking five classes. But three of them are at...DUN DUN DUN....COLLAGE! *Gasps and horrified screams again* There will be people there. Normal people. I'll have to be *Gasp* NORMAL! Not only normal, but SOCIAL! WHAAAAAAAAAT???

Speaking of, this made me laugh....

Also, in other news/thoughts/rocks/roads/rabbits, I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities. Again. Voluntarily. That's the crazy part. I am willingly reading this book. After all my complaining about it this year. After having it assigned in school twice in two separate years, and neither time finishing it. I was told by two people that have similar taste in books to me, that it is a good book. Also, that being made to read it in a week is wrong. Also when I read it on Sparknotes, (yes, I used Sparknotes for school last year, though I am ashamed to admit it :) I enjoyed the story. It was very interesting with many plot twists and crazy stuff. So I am reading it again, taking more than a week, and this time I WILL finish it.

Oh wow. It's almost 12. I've been rambling for a half an hour now. So thank-you, dear readers, for listening to my Rambling Random Rabbit Road. HA! All R's!

Until another day when I am not having my mind blown,


  1. Senior year!! We can NOT be this old!

    What? Normal? Social? That sounds horrible! I have a feeling you will do much reading, writing, and coffee drinking to survive this year...while I do the same minus the coffee :) I'm so glad you're reading A Tale of Two Cities!

    Wonderful Wandering Words! So good to see a post!


    1. Coffee will be absoutly necessary for the survival of senior year! haha!

  2. HAHA, agreed about the part that has to socialize...with the normals....

    1. The normals. I'm gonna use that! hahaha! Love it!
