Friday, August 3, 2012


I'm sorry I've been so slow in posting. The fact is that I was crazy busy and didn't have time was basically lazy and forgot to post. So. I'll give you a hopefully not-too-typical update of what I've been doing. Because I HAVE been doing stuff, just not enough that I can use it as an excuse to not post!
So, let's see.......last Thursday I went to the Tennessee aquarium with some friends that are moving back to GA after a long absence (YAY!) and ate lunch with them. Also, let me just say, this aquarium is waaaaaaaaay better than the GA aquarium. I've also been following the Olympics, (especially gymnastics) and loving it! I love watching the Olympics, it's so cool to see all these amazing athletes from all over the world compete! And, I know that sounds kind of cliched, but it's true!  The Women's Gymnastics team has been amazing!

A few days ago, I went to a friend's house to have a Dr. Who marathon, and it was amazing! That show is incredibly cool! So crazy and weird and awesome! We stayed up all night watching it and eating junk food, it was really great! The next day I went to an outlet mall with the same friends we went to the aquarium with, plus another friend. The three of us, I mean my two friends and I, were having a great time being crazy. I think our moms were sort of pretending they didn't know us! *laughs* We went into Children's Place, and got sort of bored, and so we started trying on all the hats for the little kids and making goofy faces! I would post pictures, but unfortunately my friend has them all on her ipod. Oh, we also tried on the tiny sunglasses!
THEN my sister decided she wanted to have a My Little Pony marathon with her friends. Now, this is a frightening concept. Six little girls, all obsessed with My Little Pony, watching it together. In one place. But my friends came to my rescue! Last night, (the night of said marathon) they came and we hid ourselves in the basement away from the My Little Pony cheesiness, and did what we always do. That is, act crazy. (We couldn't avoid getting the theme song stuck in our heads, but that is a small casualty) We ate lots of junk food, watched the all-around women's gymnastics competition, and rejoiced with Gabby Douglas as she won gold! That made me so ridiculously happy! It was so close between us and the Russians the whole time, but Gabby managed to stay ahead and win the gold! But Russia did great as well, and they earned the silver! We stayed up till 5, talking, drawing on each other, and watching the extended version of The Two Towers. We were woken up at NINE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!! Talk about injustice! But we were provided with coffee and home-made waffles, so that sort of made up for it!

There you have it, all the stuff that I've done since my last post. Hopefully I won't have this long of gap between posts for awhile.

Until I become an Olympic gymnast and meet the Doctor,


  1. Sounds like you were...crazy as you stressed it. :) Glad you had a blast. I can't believe you are still functioning on those few hours of sleep!

  2. Oh Robin. You're so funny. =D

    Did you like Two Towers?

  3. haha! it's not that bad, my words just don't make as much sense as usual, haha!

  4. Sounds like fun...especially the Doctor Who and Two Towers part :)

    I know, I am so proud of our country and the Fab Five!! They are amazing!
