Thursday, February 23, 2012

3o Day Challenge Hunger Games Style

Okay, as we all know, the Hunger Games is coming out in 29 days as of today! I am just a little EXTREMELY excited about this, so I'm going to attempt to complete this challenge! No guarantees though!
Day I: Your Favorite Character.
Well, I happen to be an indecisive person, and I have several favorite characters.
First off, we have Gale Hawthorn. I love this guy! He's mysterious, a hunter, spirited, selfless, loving, understanding, and not to mention handsom! I fell in love with Gale from the first time I met him in The Hunger Games! I could go on about Gale forever, but I won't because I have other characters to mention in this post.

Haymitch. Who DOESN'T love Haymitch? I mean, he's wonderfull! He seems rude and gruff on the outside, but he really does care about Katniss and Peeta. He just doesn't always show it. He also has a wonderful sense of humor!  Sarcastic, and sort of black, he takes even the worst of situations, and cracks jokes about it!

Cinna is also an amazing person! He is totally not what anyone would expect from a Capitalist. When Katniss was about to meet him, I was like, "Oh great! It's just going to be another stupid shallow, auncaring person from the Capitol." Boy, was I wrong! This guy, actually cared about Katniss and what happened to her. He wasn't shallow at all, but somehow he always managed to comfort Katniss when she needed it most. He was always gentle and kind, but rediculously clever! He was a part of the rebellion from the begining, and designed Katniss's clothes accordingly, especially in Catching Fire!

This is the last one, I promise! But I have to say something about Finnick Odair. Previous victor in the Hunger Games, he, despite being used by the Capitol, managed to hang on to his wonderful sarcastic sense of humor, and remain true to his love, Annie! He is always encouraging the others in the Arena, and later on during the Rebellion. He selflessly sacraficed himself, despite the fact that he would have to leave everything he loved behind. Finnick is simply a wondrful person, end of story!

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