Friday, December 21, 2012

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

It's almost here, guys! It's almost Christmas!! All year it's felt as though time has just flown by, and when we hit December 1st, I still felt as though Christmas must be a long way off. But recently I realized that it's in just a few days! Like it was far off in the future, then BAM! it's almost here. But it's a good feeling. I like Christmas. My sister and her fiance will be here on the 23rd, and are staying through the 27th, my Dad's home form his job in New Orleans, he and my sister are setting up the train, while my mother and I watch and offer occasional assistance. I just got back from my last gymnastics practice before Christmas break, but I finished school two weeks ago.

We made Christmas cookies. This is what happens when I 
decorate cookies. My mom made the Angel. 

My sister and I got to decorate the tree. So before we got 
started we, naturally, put on our Santa hats. :)

I pushed her hat over her face. 

Mount Ornament. 
(this is actually probably a little less than half our ornaments.
We are a little ornament crazy.)

We can't be first class Tree-Decorators with out Eggnog.

My sister almost spilled it.

I love Christmas time. I believe I'm repeating myself here, but I can't help it. I sit here drinking my sugar plum tea, the Christmas tree glowing softly behind me, I love this time of year. It doesn't hurt that my sister will be here the day after tomorrow, either.  ;)

So have a Merry Christmas for me!

Well, it's well beyond NaNoWriMo, and I have neglected to post. No excuses. I'm sorry. Also, my friend is helping me redesign my blog, so be on the lookout! I'm super excited about it!

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Brain Spazed

This is something I started awhile ago. I feel guilty about not posting, even though it is for NaNoWriMo, and thought I'd post this. Basically my brain had an explosion of sorts and this is what resulted. This will probably be the last post until November ends. I know it's not much, but hopefully it's better than nothing.

Thoughts, unclear images swirl in the fog, laughing, daring me to capture them and bind them with words. Still, determined, I grasp at the letters that form little things of large power. I try to in them grasp the mysterious things that live there in the mist taunting me. Again and again I try but nothing works. And still the laugh. "You thought to bind us" they scream, "You never will accomplish what you seek" Angry I throw every word at them I know. Still they evade me, cackling wildly in the fog I cannot quite penetrate. At last I give in. Push away the paper and pen, nothing will work. Then the voice whispers. As it always does. "You've no power at all. That's why the words do not respond to you. That's why the furtive mist-livers taunt you. They know you are powerless, never to reach them." I stay still, despairing of ever binding thoughts to words; of ever successfully using that singular brand of magic so few ever master. And still, still they run wild in my head, flying with increased fury, knowing I am down, they fly as though on the wings of a great maelstrom, thinking to torment me in my anguish. At last I rise up, tired of listening to their screams and taunts, and again I throw words at the unclear ideas; the mist-livers. And again they laugh.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sad News (For November, Anyways)

I am so sorry for my lack of posting, lately. I however, have some sad news for you. Depending how you look at it. It might not be sad from another perspective. But anyways. Getting off track. Sad news. I won't be posting again for awhile. At least for the month of November. You see, I'm doing NaNoWriMo (write a novel in a month) this November. So while November lasts, I won't be posting. Or doing any of my other normal pleasure activities except writing while the month lasts. I hope you will forgive me. I'll make it up to you somehow. I promise. Sorry this post is so short; I'll try and make up for that too!

Until the end of November,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Answers, Answers, Aswers

Sorry it took me so long to post this, I've been way over loaded with school work lately. Like I said, the education system needs to be convinced that math is not necessary for an English degree. We should start a petition. Anyways. Answers. Here you go!

Have you been baptized, and what is your testimony?

Yes, I have been baptized, just last month actually. :) My testimony is rather unexciting, I was raised in a christian home from the time I was little. But here it is: When I was six, we moved to Georgia from Illinois. At that time my parents were not Christians. Somewhere between then and the time I turned seven, my mom become a believer. Sometime after that, my dad became a believer. For a long time, I can't remember exactly how old, I believed I was saved. As I started getting older, I still believed that I was saved, but for me salvation was all about being good. And my motives for being good weren't God's glory. It was to make me look good, to make everyone thing I was "good enough". I was a good little pharisee. Whenever I had a big fight with my parents or something, I would pray and "repent", but it was never real; it was always just to solve my problems, and get a temporary peace. I remember being able to see how my mom had changed, since she had been saved. I could also see that she was different form me. I used to always ask her, "What is it you have?" And she always told me, "All I have is Christ," But that never satisfied me, because I wanted a simple, do these things and you'll be saved. This went on until I was around 13 I think. Then I began to question my salvation, because I could see how my life didn't look like what the Bible described, or the lives of those around me who claimed to be believers. That went on for probably around a year, and I honestly didn't know if I was saved or not. Then I think when I was fourteen, I finally realized that I was not a believer, and that all my own efforts failed. I remember thinking, "I can't do this anymore" I realized that there was absolutely no way I could save myself. My only hope was in Christ, and if I were going to be saved, I couldn't do any of it myself. That's when I became a believer.

If you could have one thing, no matter how expensive, what would it be?

Wow, that's a hard one. There are lots of things I would want. My own bathroom, a dalmatian (I've always thought they were cute!) books....books...more list of books never ends. So, ultimately, I think I would get a library in my house. A really nice one, with those sliding ladders, and all kinds of cool little reading nooks, and those old-fashioned lights and things. Balconies with scrolled get the idea! That (I think) is what I would want. That would be so incredibly cool, I think I would choke of happiness!

If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Another hard one. I can't just pick one, there are so many people I want to meet for different reasons! Ronald Reagan, my favorite president, is one. Not only did he govern our nation well, but he had a great sense of humor, and he had an easy-to-understand way of speaking so that average people like me could understand when listening to (or reading) his speeches. Also he kept Jelly-Belly Jelly Beans on the Oval Office desk. :) Tolkien is another one I'd love to meet. I'd ask him all my questions about Middle-Earth, and then I would be like, "Master teach me your craft" That would be amazing. Absolutely so. J. K. Rowling would be another person. And she's alive! I'd also ask her to teach me! :) Peter. I'd love to meet the apostle Peter. And C. S. Lewis. He was amazing! That's a little more than just one person....but like I said, I couldn't pick just one!

If you could live in any time period, which would you choose?

Well, there are a few that I would choose from, but the ones that enchant me most are medieval England/Ireland, either one would do, revolutionary America, or Ancient Rome. Ever since I was in grade school, I've loved the revolutionary time period, so that's one place I'd go. Medieval Europe...that desire was mostly sparked by things like Robin Hood and Beowulf. I know, it wasn't really as nice as it sounds in the books, but I'd still love to see it! Or Ancient Rome. So much power, grandeur, and knowledge. For some reason it just sparks my interest. Maybe someday I'll build myself a TARDIS and go to all those places!

Would you rather have A. Have Kelsier and Haymitch meet, B. See Kristen play Katniss, or C. Have a house full of fantasy worldy stuff?

Well just on principal I think I'd have to say no to Kristen Stewart playing Katniss. I think I would die. I wouldn't be able to help thinking of Bella the whole time, and I would simply die inside. As for the others......hmm. Kelsier and Haymitch meeting would be pretty great....but so would a house full of stuff from fantasy worlds....I think I have to go with Kelsier and Haymitch meeting though. That would simply be hilarious and I wouldn't want to miss it!

What's your favorite thing to do when it's horrible and wet out?

Definitely  read or write! Preferably with coffee! When it's raining and cold outside I like to curl up in a comfy chair with a full warm mug of coffee and a good book, or my notebook and a pencil. The rain provides a nice backdrop for traveling to far away lands. And the coffee? Well, let's just say coffee is the answer no matter what the question is! Coffee is always necessary!

Name something that you aspire to do but haven't found the courage/will to do yet.

Well the first thing that comes to mind is back tuck (back flip with no hands) on floor at gymnastics. I know that I'm physically capable of doing it, but getting myself to actually go is hard. So far, I haven't done it. I'm still working up the courage. But I don't know if that counts, so here's another one. :) Publish a book. I always think about how when I finish it, I'm going to publish, but then I get all worried, like, "what if no one buys it?" and stuff like that. That is, if I ever finish one. I guess that could be something I haven't quite gotten the will for yet, but I'm working on it. I just write slowly :)

What is you favorite TV show?

I would have to say either Dr. Who or Merlin. Both are BBC. British TV is better. It just is. Accept it. :) The two show are so different though. I can't really compare them to pick a favorite. Dr. Who is a crazy, weird, and amazing sci-fi show, and Merlin is a retelling of the stories of King Arthur and Camelot...before Arthur is king. So I can't compare them. But those two are my top favorites. Next would have to be Avatar/Legend of Korra. That's awesome too! But again, you can't compare. These two are cartoons, the others aren't! I find it hard to compare them with enough similarities to pick a favorite. But those are my top four. :)

Do you prefer rainy grey days or  bright sunshine filled days?

Another one I can't give a straight answer to! It depends on what I'm doing and my mood. Usually, if I'm going places and have stuff to do, I feel more motivated on sunny days. But then there are days (alot of them, actually) when I just want it to be grey and rainy. I like both. Alot of times, I prefer grey and rainy, but if there's been to much of that, (or if it's summer) :) I prefer the sunshiny days.

What is one thing in the world you are dying to do?

This one is easy! :) Go to Ireland. Of all the things I could ever do, I think that would be at the top of my list. I've always loved Ireland, and I've always wanted to go there. I think it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen, and I want so badly to see it person. Not to mention the accents. Irish accents are simply the best. Scottish and English hold second, but Irish will always be my favorite. And they have all these old castles and things, and New Grange, and sweet little towns...aaah! I'd love to go there! More than any other place in the world! That's what I'm dying to do!

Thanks for all the questions, I loved answering them!

Until I go to Ireland and acquire an accent, 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Question, Question, Questions

My dear readers, I apologize for my horrific neglect of posting lately, and hope you can forgive me! The truth is, I've been very busy with school lately, and haven't had time to post. Maybe if you can convince American colleges that college algebra is NOT necessary for someone who wants and English degree, maybe I'll be able to post more often! But for now, I'm posting this: Ask me questions. Any kind of questions you want; weird ones, normal ones, long ones, short get the idea, put them as a comment on this post and I'll answer all of them in the next one.  I probably won't post again for a few days, but I can't wait to see the questions you ask! Oh, and feel free to ask more than one! :)


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Apples and Fall Weather

I'm sitting here, staring at the blank screen in front of me trying to think of something to write, but my ornery mind keeps wandering to how good this apple tastes. Which in turn makes me think of how the weather's cooling. AHA! Something to post about. Fall. And the beauties there of.
I love Fall. It's probably my favorite season of the year. It's so pretty. The trees come alive with color. Now, don't get me wrong, I love all the innumerable shades of green in summer. But there's something about those fall leaves that just radiates loveliness.

I am not a photographer. Pictures from Google.

See what I mean? Beautiful. I also love how the wind picks up in fall. It's a gentle wind that blows a whisper of cold weather to come, but it doesn't block out the warmth from the sun. I love the way the wind lovingly caresses me, and makes me feel simply alive. I love the wind. And fall comes with the wind. Fall is comfortable. It gives you a slight chill that requires a comfy sweater, but still warm enough to make being outside enjoyable. I'm so glad it's fall! Now, if only I could have fall without school. That would make it perfect!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Psych Teacher is Psycho

Excuse me. My psychology Professor is a little bit strange. Nah scratch that, I don't feel like being polite. My   psych teacher really is crazy.
No really. 

She is. 

She would be even if she weren't teaching psychology. Which is a load of rubbish anyways. At least in my opinion. For one thing, she's been teaching for like thirty years and she still doesn't know how the computers work. And when she tries to get the internet up she's always like, "Now pray to whatever your god is that this works". Or something like that. Its super annoying. And when she lectures, she starts out on one train of thought, and then goes of on another, and by the time she gets back around to the first, she's forgotten what it was about in the first place. 


And the other day she said at some point in the lecture, "more fuller". That like, hurt my very SOUL. My college professor used improper English. It's a disgrace to this beautiful language we speak!  And the interesting thing is, when I talked to a friend, she said she vaguely remembers her sister saying the same thing about her psych teacher. So. I came up with a theory. Are you ready for this? Good. Cause here we go.

They are all the same.

Which should raise a suspicion in your minds.

They're aliens! They've disguised themselves as humans and gotten jobs as teachers!

They've come to earth to brainwash our young to their beliefs so they can take over the world.

That is a dirty low trick.
Targeting the children.

They are heartless, these aliens!

Ok, so maybe that's a little extreme. But you never know. It could be true. We wouldn't know until they attacked us in order to fully take over. Which is why its a perfect plan. But they do not know that we Charms! Oh, yes! We have Lucky Charms! We shall be invincible! ...Until the sugar rush wears off. But who knows? Maybe Lucky Charms are deadly to the aliens. Do you have any ideas?

Until I defeat the aliens, 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Grey Days

I'm home from work, done cleaning, and now I'm sitting here at my computer waiting for friends to get here for a night of food and football and....contemplating. Contemplating what? Contemplating how grey days make me contemplative. (I'm also wondering whether grey is spelled grey or gray?)

Sunshiny-is that even a word? I mean, if I looked in the dictionary would I find it? Or is it just something people say? Anyways random rabbit trail, there. Back to what I was going to say. Sunshiny days make me just happy. Something about the literally yellow sun the bright blue sky and little puffy clouds, the warmth that beats softly down on your face, it just makes me happy. I think its the way those days are so classic so to speak. Like when some one says "Nice day" you think of (or at least I do) a day like that. Those are the days that you read about when your a little kid in all those story books. Those are the days I have some of the happiest memories of playing outside at the playground or in my backyard.

Windy days make me feel alive. The way it blows in my face and whips my hair back, the sound it makes in the trees, a soft rustling or a strong woosh. How it can be a gentle touch, or hard buffeting. I love them both I love that even though it can't be seen I can feel it. Feel it pushing me and pulling me, and wrapping itself all around me. I love the wind. On windy days I always feel alive and awake, and glad to be so. Windy days, I think, are my favorite.

Grey? Gray? Whatever. Grey days make me feel like a philosopher; contemplative, like I said. I don't know why, maybe its something about how a grey sky makes the world a bit heavier and more mysterious. Not quiet like a storm, but clear and plain like sunny days. Maybe its the fact that the sky seems lower to the ground, the very air sometimes takes on new weight, maybe that's what makes me want to think on days like this.

Wow, I just spent a whole post talking about the weather! But that's what you get when you listen to me! :) Random talks about weather! So what do you think of grey days? Or any kinds of days? What sort of weather do you like best? Storms? I love storms, they're so exciting, they wake up the adventurer in me. They're also great inspiration for writing exciting stories. :)


Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Hunger Games

So, I know you're probably all thinking, "Oh no, not another Hunger Games post. I thought we were DONE with that!" I know not all of you are, ;) but still. I know what you mean. I mention The Hunger Games to a friend the other day, and she told me she wasn't talking about The Hunger Games unless it had something to do with Mocking Jay. I asked her why, and she said, "Because it's becoming the next Twilight, and it's driving me crazy!" But you can all rest assured, that there will be none of that nonsense in this post (hopefully). Aaaaaand.....I just lost my train of thought. See? There it goes. Hold on just a sec. I gotta go catch it.

The Hunger Games is becoming something that it was never meant to be. (Got my train back). It's becoming a debate over who's hotter: Gale, Peeta, Finnick or Cato. It's becoming a simple which guy is the girl going to choose amidst all this other stuff that's going on in her life. It was not meant to be a novel stuffed with cheese. It was meant to have meaning. I don't have one specific place to start, just a bunch of thoughts on the matter, so I'm just going to pick one of them, and start with it.

"It takes twice as long to put yourslef back together again as it does to fall apart,"~ Finnick.
Think about it. It's so much easier to fall into a pit than to climb out of it once you fall in. Have you ever noticed that its so easy sometimes, to give into your emotions? To just sink into that despair that nothing will ever work like its supposed to?  It's so easy to give in to that, to let yourself fall apart. But to put yourself back together again? That's hard. To climb out of the ditch of emotion and confusion that you've fallen into. Finnick is telling Katniss that she can't give into the despair, the stress, the madness, that awaits her. He says that if she once gives into that, it will be twice as hard to climb out of it. Not worth the momentary relief the emotions offer. Katniss is surrounded by war, by a man threatening every one she loves, forcing one them to unwillfully betray them, changing his very memories so that he thinks Katniss is an enemy. Yet she can't give into her emotions. She can't let herself fall apart. Or it would take twice as long to put herself back together again.

And Haymitch. Everyone laughs at the scene where he falls drunk off the stage and his drunken antics on the train, and they are funny, and I did my fair share of laughing, but did you ever stop to really consider the reason behing the drunkeness? Haymitch won the games, which at first, sounds great, he lived, never to play in the games again, but it's not. Now, every year until he dies he has to mentor the District 12 tributes. And District 12, one of the poorest, sends its poor, hungry, terified children to the Games, and Haymitch has to work to find them sponsers, everything he, as a mentor, can do to keep them alive, and then watch them die anyways. Imagine that. Year after year. He drinks himself into blessed oblivian. When he says, "Here's some advice: Stay alive!" It's more than just a humurous quote, it's also a demonstration of a man who's given in to hopelessness. He's accepted the appearent truth that all his tributes are going to die. And it haunts him. Haunts him so that he drinks to forget. To forget the deaths he's been forced to watch. He drinks because for him, there is no other relief. He's doomed to try and save those who will die. To watch the deaths of the innocent, who cannot save themselves. No wonder he wants a way out.

Katniss, who at the end of Mocking Jay, admits she is afraid even of good things because they could be taken away. And that was her experiance in life. If you had something good, it got taken away. Life held nothing good, and if it did it could not last. She told Gale she never wanted to have children, a joy every one of us looks forward to with joy. She didn't want to have children, because how could one be so cruel as to bring children into a world where you're so poor you have to put your name in the Hunger Games drawing more than once in order to eat, as if once wasn't bad enough. How could you raise children in that world? She didn't want to bring more lives more misery.

These are just a few examples. But the Hunger Games is a story about human nature. About how we work. How our thoughts and emotions, our minds, how they respond to life, and trials. It shows us what humans are capable of becoming, from President Snow, to Finnick Odair, to the smallest child killed by the parachute bombs dropped in the Capitol. So what themes or ideas do you see? Please comment! I love hearing everyone's thoughts!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Little Things

It's the Little things. Playing Ultimate Frisbee barefoot in a field. Squeezing into a huge squishy chair with my friend to share amusing, stupid and deep heart-to-heart conversations. Cleaning house to movie soundtracks. Getting an out of the blue gift from my parents; a package of Sharpie products: 5 sharpie pens (red, black, blue, green, and.... *drum roll* PURPLE!!!), 3 Sharpie markers (red, blue and black) and 3 Sharpie highlighters (pink, yellow and orange). A hysterical conversation over Little Caesar's pizza with friends. A game of Apples to Apples Bible Version that turned into a theological debate. Totally geeking out over a Lord of the Rings Risk board. (It was SERIOUSLY awesome). Card games. Trying to teach the guys to do handstands with one of my best friends. Discussing muscle groups, of all things. Watching a few episodes of Dr. Who, on the tv in the living room cause no one's home. Babysitting cute kids.

I know we say it all the time, but it really is the little things in life. I get excited about big things in my life, but sometimes, the little ones can be pretty exciting to. That pack of Sharpie things sent me running through the house laughing like a child out of joy. With college (and the rest of school) starting, I've been so busy I can't get anything straight in my brain. But the other day, when I realized I hadn't posted in a while, I started wondering what to blog about. Then I started thinking about all the things that had happened recently, sharpies, Frisbee, etc., and I realized just how great they are. Even now, as I'm thinking back on these little instances that don't matter a bit in the grand scheme of things, make me smile, make me happy.

So remember the little things. They often create some of the most wonderful memories we can have.


Friday, August 17, 2012

I Have No Idea What To Title This Post...Any Ideas?

No, seriously. I can't think of a title that fits all the things that will be in this post. So if you have an idea leave it in a comment. Remember, comments (and followers) make my day! Who knows, maybe I'll go back and use one of your titles, (if you don't mind, that is =) in this post.
So, yesterday was a crazy day for me. At 8:00 A.M I went to the driving place and took my driver's test for the second time. (I failed the first one.) I passed, and I feel like my entire body let out a gigantic sigh of relief when the guy (it was an old dude who talked really low) said I passed. then I couldn't stop grinning. And thinking about how weird it was (is) that I am a licensed driver. Then after some school, and a really tedious anatomy study guide, I drove to College Bible Study. Now, see if you can spot two weird words in that sentence. DING DING DING!!! *Game show host voice* That's right! You got it! Drove and college! Not only did I drive myself somewhere, I drove myself to College Bible Study! I feel so....old! I know I've said that alot in these last few posts, but hopefully this'll be the last time. I'm still trying to process all this stuff. Oh, speaking of feeling old, I also have a college ID for my college classes which start on Monday. YIKES!
Today, not much happened, except for me almost getting my mother and I lost, and eating cookie dough with my friend. Then I drove myself to gymnastics practice. Drove myself. Still weired out over here. On the way home though, I saw something somewhat amusing. At least I thought it was. You may not share my weird sense of humor. Who knows. Well, I guess you do. But that's beside the point. On the way home I passed a bright yellow sports car with it's convertible top down. Being driven by a little old man. It made me laugh. Some old dude driving his bright yellow fancy convertible car.
So what has been happening in your life lately? What's made you laugh recently? I'd love to know! =)

Until I become a famous published author,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Begining...of a Whirlwind

Today was the first day of school. The first day of Senior year. #can'tbelievethisishappening
Anyways, I finished like half of my advanced comp. homework already, so I feel entitled to write a blog post. Especially since I haven't done so in a week. I'm sorry. I was on vacation and didn't have time. Hopefully my posting will become more consistent now that school's started.

This year is going to be crazy for me. Not all at once, but several things are changing for me this year and the beginning of next. Starting today. I am officially a Senior. Whaaaaaaaaaat??? Tomorrow, I'm going to be taking my driving test. So I can have a license. I'll be *gasp* a LICENSED DRIVER!es along with my Yikes! Then (this isn't so huge, it just goes along with my topic of changing things) I'll go (as in drive myself) to my church's college Bible Study. How weird is that? I'm old enough to go to college group! On Monday, I will be starting college classes. Even weirder. It won't be like...all church people! *Runs and hides in corner* Then that's it for awhile. Then. I'm not sure if I've already mentioned this or not, so sorry if I have. But my sister is *drum roll* getting married!!!!!!!! She's getting married in March! She got engaged in February. Her fiance is really great. When he proposed, he took a picture of the ring and had it hung in an art gallery in downtown Chicago, where he lives. They went to go look at the art galleries one day, and when they got to that picture he pointed that one out. She looked at it, and as she read the caption, which said, "Christina, will you marry me?" he got down on his knee with the ring and asked her to marry him! And she said "Yes", of course! I'm so excited.

The day after the wedding is my birthday. I'll be eighteen...old. I'll be a legal adult. I'll be able to vote in the next election. For all technical purposes, I'll be a...a...GROWN-UP. *horror movie screams* But not really. I know I won't act like it. Being young and goofy is much more fun! :) THEN In May. I will graduate. What is this??? I can't believe I will be out of highschool in less than a full year! I'm trying not to think about it to much! Anyways, that's all I have to say for the moment. So, what's up in your lives? Anything new or interesting or old and dull, or crazy and mind blowing? Share your thoughts! And please, please, please follow me! Followers (and comments) make my day!

Until the Doctor comes to take me on an adventure,

Monday, August 6, 2012

Rambling Random Thoughts

I was going to make that title sound all cute with three R's.....but I couldn't think of another "R" word, so I didn't. I just put thoughts instead. I could have put something like rings or rocks or roads or rabbits or rats but none of those would make sense. Rabbits are cute though. I'm watching men's gymnastics right now. Those guys haveinsanely HUGE muscles. Like seriously huge. I have a talent for pointing out the obvious. It's 11:30 at night, and i have no idea what to write about. My thoughts are dripping through my brain like quicksand. I've tried to think thoughts and write and be creative all day but it's not working. Every time I try it's like my brain just goes, "Meh." and that's as far as I can get.

I have open house for school tomorrow. That means the day I start school is like a week away. In one week people, I'll be a ...DUN DUN DUN... SENIOR! *gasps and horrified screams* Where in the world did my life go? I feel! What is this? I'm almost done with high school? Huh? At least I'm only taking five classes. But three of them are at...DUN DUN DUN....COLLAGE! *Gasps and horrified screams again* There will be people there. Normal people. I'll have to be *Gasp* NORMAL! Not only normal, but SOCIAL! WHAAAAAAAAAT???

Speaking of, this made me laugh....

Also, in other news/thoughts/rocks/roads/rabbits, I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities. Again. Voluntarily. That's the crazy part. I am willingly reading this book. After all my complaining about it this year. After having it assigned in school twice in two separate years, and neither time finishing it. I was told by two people that have similar taste in books to me, that it is a good book. Also, that being made to read it in a week is wrong. Also when I read it on Sparknotes, (yes, I used Sparknotes for school last year, though I am ashamed to admit it :) I enjoyed the story. It was very interesting with many plot twists and crazy stuff. So I am reading it again, taking more than a week, and this time I WILL finish it.

Oh wow. It's almost 12. I've been rambling for a half an hour now. So thank-you, dear readers, for listening to my Rambling Random Rabbit Road. HA! All R's!

Until another day when I am not having my mind blown,

Friday, August 3, 2012


I'm sorry I've been so slow in posting. The fact is that I was crazy busy and didn't have time was basically lazy and forgot to post. So. I'll give you a hopefully not-too-typical update of what I've been doing. Because I HAVE been doing stuff, just not enough that I can use it as an excuse to not post!
So, let's see.......last Thursday I went to the Tennessee aquarium with some friends that are moving back to GA after a long absence (YAY!) and ate lunch with them. Also, let me just say, this aquarium is waaaaaaaaay better than the GA aquarium. I've also been following the Olympics, (especially gymnastics) and loving it! I love watching the Olympics, it's so cool to see all these amazing athletes from all over the world compete! And, I know that sounds kind of cliched, but it's true!  The Women's Gymnastics team has been amazing!

A few days ago, I went to a friend's house to have a Dr. Who marathon, and it was amazing! That show is incredibly cool! So crazy and weird and awesome! We stayed up all night watching it and eating junk food, it was really great! The next day I went to an outlet mall with the same friends we went to the aquarium with, plus another friend. The three of us, I mean my two friends and I, were having a great time being crazy. I think our moms were sort of pretending they didn't know us! *laughs* We went into Children's Place, and got sort of bored, and so we started trying on all the hats for the little kids and making goofy faces! I would post pictures, but unfortunately my friend has them all on her ipod. Oh, we also tried on the tiny sunglasses!
THEN my sister decided she wanted to have a My Little Pony marathon with her friends. Now, this is a frightening concept. Six little girls, all obsessed with My Little Pony, watching it together. In one place. But my friends came to my rescue! Last night, (the night of said marathon) they came and we hid ourselves in the basement away from the My Little Pony cheesiness, and did what we always do. That is, act crazy. (We couldn't avoid getting the theme song stuck in our heads, but that is a small casualty) We ate lots of junk food, watched the all-around women's gymnastics competition, and rejoiced with Gabby Douglas as she won gold! That made me so ridiculously happy! It was so close between us and the Russians the whole time, but Gabby managed to stay ahead and win the gold! But Russia did great as well, and they earned the silver! We stayed up till 5, talking, drawing on each other, and watching the extended version of The Two Towers. We were woken up at NINE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!! Talk about injustice! But we were provided with coffee and home-made waffles, so that sort of made up for it!

There you have it, all the stuff that I've done since my last post. Hopefully I won't have this long of gap between posts for awhile.

Until I become an Olympic gymnast and meet the Doctor,

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wait...You Mean They're NOT Real??

This happens to me all the time. I read good books, and the characters seem so alive, so real, that you can't help falling in love with them. And then, for me I find myself thinking, "I wish I could meet him" And then reality comes crashing down on me, and I remember that they aren't real. I think of all the characters I love, they don't seem to me like the inhabitants of an imaginary world made up by another human. They seem like real people who I could actually meet if only I could manage to run into them. There's always a moment, when I think about my favorite characters that I feel like they ARE  real, a moment when it seems that I could meet them, and sit down with them and talk to them. And then after all to short moment, I remember that they're not real people. I always find it heartbreaking that as soon as I close the pages of a good book the characters vanish. They remain, forever encased in some thin sheets of paper and ink letters. They don't follow me out of that world into the other., and it is only in this world of paper and ink that I can find these dear friends. Because that's how I view them: Not interesting characters, but as dear friends that I feel as though I've know all my life. And in that moment, when I remember that they're not real, or the moment I remember they will stay encased in ink, or that the series is over, I realize by the empty feeling inside me, how much I love fictional characters. There is a pleasant side to all of this, however. When I close the pages of a book, however sorrowful it may be that they cannot come with me, whenever I re-open those pages, those friends will be waiting for me, no matter what. We can pick up just where we left off. And no matter what happens, these people will stay the same, in the pages of a well worn book, unchanging, just waiting for me to return to them and pick up where we left off.

Does anyone else have thoughts like these, or am I just really weird??

Until I manage to travel to other dimensions and meet fictional people,

Monday, July 23, 2012

Harry Potter: Magic, not Witchcraft (Also, a Few Pictures From the Croatia Trip)

Pictures first! Jar of Wonders suggested that I post some pictures from the trip, so here you go! None of these were taken by me, (I didn't have my camera with me) but by my photographically talented friends.

Part of our team in the Amsterdam airport

The other part of our team in the airport

The Campers!

Flag Tag!


Now for the second part of this post: Harry Potter. I realize some people don't want to read these because of the use of witches and wizards. But sometimes, I get frustrated when people assume it's bad, just because it has those words in it, without knowing what it's really about. Saying that Harry Potter is evil because it has witches and wizards to me is like saying that Hunger Games is evil because it's about children killing children. They're the same basic assumptions, and the same lack of knowledge. Now, if you feel that it goes against your conscience to read them, then fine. I'm not telling you that you have to read them or anything else. I just want to explain a little about them. You don't have to read them!

First, the terms witches and wizards. Most people, which seems strange to me, don't seem to have a problem with the word "wizard". Also people seem to forget that many of our favorite characters in other stories are wizards. Merlin from King Arthur and Gandalf from Lord of the Rings are two examples. But as to the term witch. In Harry Potter it absolutely does not refer to the people we think of when we think of witches. We tend to think of witches as creepy old ladies who ride around on broomsticks making witches brew, cackling cursing people, and generally being evil. In Harry Potter, however witch simply denotes female. Like actor and actress. Wizards are male magical people, and witches are female magical people. It's nothing more than a way of differentiating between genders.

This brings me to a second thing. The school is called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Alot of people also seem to have a problem with the word witchcraft. When I think of the word "witchcraft" outside of Harry Potter it brings to mind something evil. When people pray to demons and stuff like that. But when I think of the word magic, (I know this seems a bit off topic, but bear me with me) I think of all the cool things in the fantasy books I love to read. The prophecies, magical creatures. Take Eragon for example. They cast magic spells all the time. Spells, by the way, seem to be another thing that bother people in Harry Potter. But the fact that those spell require a wand, (nothing more than a magical object, which are found in all kinds of fantasy books) does not make them any different from the spells cast in, say, Eragon, which are don't require anything but speech. But back to magic and witchcraft.  In Harry Potter, the word "witchcraft" is just like a term for what a person does. Like a forester learns woodcraft. A witch, (female magical person) learns witchcraft. A wizard, (male magical person) learns wizardry. In Harry Potter witchcraft is nothing more than magic. I realize that this is not the way it works in the real world, but I also realize that Harry Potter is a work of fiction, fantasy fiction at that. So it's not the same as in the real world. In the world of Harry Potter, witchcraft is a fancy term for magic. And come to think of it, I don't remember the term witchcraft being used at all in the series. They used the word magic the whole time.

The main point of this post is that before you say a book is bad to read, find out a little more about it. And then, if you still feel like it's something you shouldn't be reading, then don't. Anyways, thanks for listening to my semi-orderly ramble. Only one rabbit trail! Yay!

Adios, love you!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Well, I'm Back!

I came home from Croatia today. I spent 10 hours on a plan in cramped postions. 'Scuse me, plane. Also eplease excuse my lousy typoing, I'm rather tired and typing, )(let alone thinking) isn't going so well at the moment. Humr humor also, now that you mention it! I'm to lazty and tired to edit this, soooo yeah.
Anyways, I'm tire, did I already say that? :) The mission trip was wonderful, I enjoyed myself alot, and I think God is doing a good work there. While I'm on this track, let me ask you to pray for the people there. It's pretty much all Catholic, with very little Light.
Ten nhours on a plane does weird things to your brain. Earlier, I went to dinner with some people who went on the trip and some other friends. Evverything is funny! We played spoons, WITH OUR NOSES!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW AWSOME IS THAT??? Also, I drank lots of coke. ANd Croation bread is better than American bread. No debate involved. Also there ice cream. It. Is. Wonderfull. Perioin=d. Period. End of story.  Also ther e piza. It is heaven! There's this one pizza, whih sounds gross, but it is sso good! As in delisios so ggood! It has ham and then sheese and salomi on too, and (this is the gross sounding, but bset tasting part) sour cream. Itys sastarts with a "z". Mmmmm! So much goodness!
Wow, my tyoing i8s getting worse as I go! hahaha! Oh, and there chocolate? Yeah, its waaaaaaaay better than ours! Also....I have...oen one....last... message....
DOBRE PALENCHINKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That means "good pankakes" in Croatian. I spelled it wrong probabaly. heheheheheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!
Okay, I should probably be done neo, I'm getting loopier as I speak! So Bok, volim te, dear readers! (Bye, love you, in Croation) HOPefully my next post will be more coherant!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Guest Post by Robin's Mom

I am sure, readers, that you are aware our sweet Robin has spent the last 15 days serving the Lord in Krapina, Croatia.  She comes home tomorrow—I can hardly wait to get my “mama” arms around that girl!  So, yes, it is about time (and almost too late) for me to fulfill the request she made of me to be a guest poster on her blog.  (Does that make me a poster child? J )!

Procrastination has not made this any easier!  Staring at a blank screen, especially one with an audience, is quite intimidating.  A smart “mama-guest-poster” would have posted the very first day and asked the followers of this blog to send in their questions about the blog-holder.  Ahh, the wealth of topics about which I might have written!  But alas, apparently I not a smart “mama-guest-poster.”  (Does that mean I lose my status as a poster child?L)

On the other hand, this is a great day to post on her behalf because today would have been Robin’s grandmother’s 83rd birthday.  Sadly, Robin never knew my mom.  I have often told Robin that Grandmother would have enjoyed her so, soo, sooo much.  Grandmother loved to laugh. Sound like anyone you know?  Grandmother also loved purple (well, actually, lavender, but close enough).  She did not wear the color because she felt her complexion had too much of a yellow undertone to go well with lavender.  Now, consider Robin.  Loves purple, and looks good in purple…and with her complexion bolder, brighter colors are best.  Grandmother loved to read.  She also was a very creative poet—of the humorous variety, mostly.  (There’s that love of laughter again!)  Is it just me? Or does this remind you of anybody you know?  And Grandmother was a seamstress extraordinaire.  SCREECH.Gasp! I can see each of you backing up to re-read that…..or possibly rushing ahead to see if I am about to tell you that Robin is a closet seamstress.  Right? Haha   No, Robin is not a seamstress; I mention the sewing because when Robin was about 4 years old she would sit at the table next to me while I was sewing.  She would take my scraps and line them up exactly so. Pin them in place with my straight pins and pass it to me with very specific instructions as to where I was to stitch.  I’m still not sure what we were making, but I KNOW Grandmother would have been proud!  (And laughed her uniquely joyful laugh!)  So, happy birthday, Grandmother! 

Back to Robin’s love of all things purple (except eggplant).  Robin has loved Purple at least since kindergarten, possibly even preschool.  Her kindergarten papers were ALWAYS written in purple.  The director of our church preschool/kindergarten specifically selected Lilly and the Purple Purse to read to Robin’s class.  For years I have harbored the secret fear that I might possibly be responsible for this obsession great attraction to all things purple (except eggplant, and lipstick) because when we moved her to a big-girl bed I painted her room a very soft……yes, purple. But now that I’ve given it some, a-hem, serious consideration…..clearly the fault lies squarely in my mother’s lap! J

Since I was not timely in coming up with the idea of asking you to send in your questions about Robin, let me leave you with a few questions you can ask her….

What is a skinny Mickey?

Just when, exactly, did this obsession with having socks unmated in your drawer begin?

Was there ever a time you didn’t love purple?

What are please coins? (And the related question, “Can you say stubborn?”)

What is a round part that you don’t have to comb?

Do you want to play the F-U-N game?

What is the first story* you ever wrote? 

Robin, you are good medicine! Proverbs 17:22

Thank you, Robin’s readers, for bearing with me through this, my first ever, blog post.  Go ahead and send in your questions….perhaps I will be invited back another day!

*I came across it while cleaning the school room this week!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Guest post by Joanna

Photo Credit: Google Images

Hey readers,
As you can rightly assume from the title of this post....I'm guest posting for Robin while she is doing missions work in Croatia. (How exciting is that?)

I thought long and hard about what I would guest post about. Different topics swirled through my head as I tried to capture one and think about it long enough in order to write an intelligent post. I finally managed. In fact, the topic I am going to write about today is something that has been on my heart for a long while. (now getting that to my brain was the issue)

My discussion is about a book called, "When People Are Big and God Is Small", written by Edward T. Welch. The main idea of the book focuses on overcoming peer pressure and the fear of man - something I continue to struggle over. Why do people fear man?
Welch states that people fear man because:
1. "We fear people because they can expose and humiliate us."
2. "We fear people because they can reject, ridicule, or despise us."
3. "We fear people because they can attack, oppress, or threaten us."

Yes, yes, and yes. I fear all three of those...
I especially feel the pressure of 1 and 2 when I'm around my youth group or peers. I often find that I get way too caught up in what other's think about me rather than what my heavenly Father thinks of me. Why? Because I fear man more than God. Typing that last statement on my keyboard made me feel stupid. I mean, of course I know that I should fear God more than man. But so often I don't put my knowledge into action. How can I when I constantly am surrounded by people who have the ability to judge me? The answer is simple. Know what it means to fear the Lord. The only way to do that is to read His Word - to get an understanding of who He is, and what He does.Getting to know this perfect, holy God is the key in fearing Him vs. man.
           Another sad truth that hit me was this: When I fear man, I ultimately am being incredibly selfish. Cliques are one of the biggest ways a person can show their fear of man. I used to be in one...and while I felt completely secure... I was deluding myself. When "my" clique fell apart, and I was forced to interact with other people who I had rarely talked to, I suddenly realized how fearful I was of everyone. I realized that I had been ignoring others because talking to them would have made me feel insecure. I was completely focused on myself and what would make me feel the most comfortable. But I chose to ignore others, and would consider it helpful to come home every Sunday and complain to my mum that, "No one likes me. They never talk to me. Everyone ignores me. They always judge me and I feel left out!"
In response, my loving mother handed me, "When People Are Big and God Is Small".
In short, she was communicating, "Stop thinking about yourself! How can you show love to others by talking to them and making them feel comfortable. You know all those lonely, unpopular girls at church you talk about? Go and try making them feel wanted."
Can you say WAKE UP CALL?
Photo Credit: Google Images

I was shocked at how selfish I had become...and all because I had feared man, instead of God.
I mean, how stupid can a person be? Pretty dumb, obviously.
I instantly regretted all the years I had ignored I had cast them aside in order to hang with people who made me feel comfortable. With my head hung low, I began a new mission. I purposed to show Christ's love to others...not because they needed me...but because I was called to do so by Christ. In fact, I've realized that nine out of ten times, nothing ever really happens. I don't "gain" a new best friend, I don't get labeled with "most popular girl in church", but it really doesn't matter.
But you know what I do get? I get the joy of seeing the smiles light up those girls faces when you say "hey, how have you been doing?"
And that's more than enough.
Don't get me wrong. It's not all grins and giggles. Sometimes I feel ignored, sometimes I feel frustrated that the person I (those stupid i's) wanted to come up and talk to me didn't. Nevertheless, the message I continually have to refocus on is this: God commands me to fear him and NOT man. Therefore, I can talk to people and show His love to them...and that is the best way to heal from a bad case of a self-centered attitude. If I focus on fearing God more than man, I am suddenly free to interact with my peers and not feel judged by them, because God's opinion of me is the only one that matters.
And just think! What if everyone made an conscious effort to love everyone like this. How well everyone would get along! So try it, guys!
Try including others, showing them Christ's love, and just being friendly to everyone! It's not like you have to become their best friend. Just show an interest in their lives. It really pays off. The joy I experience by getting over myself and showing love to others is one of the greatest rewards. So don't fear man...fear God!

Well, my time is up...I am afraid to say. My chores call.
Sorry I rambled...I sort of went from fearing God vs. how that ties in with youth groups, cliques, etc. They are connected....somehow. Trust me on this one. I've given this plenty of thought even though my post resembles a giant, tangled bowl of spaghetti.

Photo Credit: Google Images

Until next time....or tiny green aliens invade, and the world as we know it ends....

Friday, July 6, 2012

3 Hours and 32 Minutes!!!!!!!

Well, in exactly 3 hours and 32 minutes I will be leaving for the airport to go to Krapina Croatia on mission trip with my church. We're going to do an English camp, for the kids there, and share the Gospel through an assembly each morning, crafts, English lessons, and games. It is going to be a wonderful time of service and fellowship! Please pray for us, that we would be willing servants, despite being tired and worn out. That we would be a light to these kids and their families.
Needless to say, I won't be posting for a while (10 days to be exact), but Joanna from Castles in the Air will be guest posting for me at some point, and maybe even my mom, who is an awesome and amazing lady, and hopefuly she'll post so you all can meet her!!
Adios my wonderful readers! Have a great week!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Good Christian fiction?

A few days ago, I was at a pool party with good friends, good food, (it was delicious) and obviously, a pool. My friend Joanna (from Castles in the Air) and I were sitting in the pool enjoying a pleasant conversation about books. And one of the things we talked about was the serious lack of good Christian fiction.
 It seems like most like a lot of Christian authors these days fill their stories with a bunch of fluff. Then they tack their good values and ideals onto the surface of their books so that they can say it's a "Christian" novel. But, as far as ideals go, they shouldn't be plastered all over the surface of the story. That makes them seem fake, or cheep. They should run deep, be demonstrated in the characters, their lives and struggles, inward and outward. Then these ideals seem like real things, an actual part of the story world.
Also with these ideals/virtues it seems that the non-christian authors understand what they should look like better than the Christian authors. Leadership for example. I read a book recently that was extremely well written, and it was not by a Christian author; it was by a Mormon. But this novel, written by an unbeliever, showed better biblical leadership than any of the Christian novels I've read. Two characters specifically, one, the leader of a bridge crew, the lowliest of the low. Another a noble man; uncle to the king. The second man, the nobleman, lived by the principals in a book called The Way of Kings. The principals were things like, don't ask your men to do anything you wouldn't be willing to do yourself. It told stories of past rulers, one who had traveled cross country on his own two feet rather than in luxury in order to see what life was like for his subjects, another where the king saw, as he went down the road, a peasant struggling to carry a heavy rock, and the king carried it for him. The first man, the bridgecrew leader, was always an encouragement to his men, never let them loose hope. In order to get them to practice carrying bridges so they wouldn't get killed, he did it himself. When they had to carry the bridges into battle, he made sure he always stood in the most deadly places, risking himself instead of his men. If these characters don't show biblical servant-leadership, then please tell me, what does?
Another thing that's been bugging me about Christian fiction is the quality of the writing. Set aside for a minute the morals and values and all that, and look at the actual quality of writing. To be honest, it's not that great. Once, in a sermon I heard that "Christians should be the best at whatever they do" best teacher, student, whatever it is you do, you should be the best at it because you are doing it for God. For His glory, in His service. But the Christian books I've read usually pale in comparison (with the exception of C. S. Lewis) to secular authors. The secular books I've read have been much better written, pull me into the world of the story with a force much stronger than that of a Christian book.
Alot of this has to do, I think, with the portrayal of the villain. The non-christian books I've read have me curled in a ball, my nose an inch from the page, expecting every moment the villain to jump out from behind me and attack. The Christian books I've read, however, have not been that scary. Their villains are usually some dude who lives in a far off country that we never really meet but everybody says he's really terrible. It's like they're afraid to show their villains as horribly evil bad guys because they think then they won't have a so-called "Christian" book anymore. Because it's to dark, and "we're Christians, we can't have stuff like that in our books!" Well, I hate to burst the bubble, but bad people exist in real life. And, since writing, even fantasy writing, is a reflection of real life, then bad people (villains) are going to exist in fiction to. And if you want a good story you have to make him believable.
Now, I am not saying that there shouldn't be a clear line between what is good and what is bad. There should be a distinction between the villain and the hero. What I AM saying is that the villain should be shown for what he is. The reader should be terrified of him, and yet feel a burning desire for his defeat.  This just doesn't seem to happen in Christian fiction. The job of a writer is to skilfully evoke the emotions of his/her reader. Emotions of love, joy, sorrow, fear. And you don't create fear without something to be truly afraid of. If we are going to be good writers, with good stories, not just OK stories, we need to be able to pull on our readers emotions, not just any one emotion, but all of them.
Anyways, thanks for listening to this long-winded post, and I hope I haven't made anyone mad, I don't want to be chased by angry readers armed with tomatoes! =)

P.S. Followers make my day! So pleeease, if you haven't been scared away by my excessive weirdness, pleeease follow me!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
When we returned, Kalla and I tumbled into bed; exhausted.

"I'm glad you're back," I whispered as my eyes began to close. The next morning, it seemed as if all the events of the night before must all be part of a dream. But no, reality came crashing down upon me. A few minutes later, when the two of us dressed and left the room, we found Sir Adam already up.

"So Rielle," he said as we broke our fast, "are you still so eager to start after the events of last night?" Tingling shivers of excitement ran up my spine as I replied. "Yes. It seems that especially now, after what they did, that the sooner I start the better,"

"You still do not understand," he replied.


"They did not want Kalla. They wanted you, Rielle. And when those men fail to report to their commander, he send more, perhaps even come himself. And this time, they will make no mistakes. For you to leave now would be foolishness, for they would surely know,"

"But," I replied, "Last time they were hardly worthy to be called swordsman,"

"Rielle, you are not thinking!" I looked away at the mild rebuke, but invariably curiosity made me look up as he continue.

"Those were the untrained low-ranking men of the Gurabian army. And one of them almost killed you," I felt like a child again under his stern gaze. "Next time we will face men better trained and ruthless; if their commander himself does not come," I said nothing, but the taste of our victory was still to fresh for me to imagine defeat at the hands of Gurabians.

The day seemed to go on as normal, but there was an unseen, unmistakable  force pulling on all of us. A tension not normally present. For the first time, I began to be aware of a new world beyond our little cottage and the village beyond the hill, and I was anxious to see more of it.

That day, and the next two passed the same as always, and in hidden thoughts I shared with no one, I hoped it would stay that way. On the third evening after we brought Kalla back, Sir Adam said, "They will to come tonight. We must be prepared."

"How can you tell they'll come tonight?" I asked.

"A day for the original soldiers to report back, a day for more men to be sent, and a day for them to arrive here. That puts us at the current date. Their commanders are always efficient," The evening wore on more slowly than I ever believed possible. No one wanted to go to sleep. Kalla and I tried to play a card game, but soon abandoned the effort. I stared out the window for a moment then turned and walked away, sitting down next to Kalla. A second later I stood again and began pacing. I tried, but I couldn't sit still. I could tell Kalla was nervous from the way she curled and uncurled her fingers. Sir Adam gave no sign of his emotions. He stood still and calm.

We waited for what seemed an eternity. Somewhere outside a dog barked and I nearly jumped out of my skin. The tension that had been building the past three days culminated in this moment. It was the piercing crescendo in the song fear and waiting for the unknown.

The thunder of hoof beats sounded outside. I wrapped my hand around my sword hilt, the cold steel made me feel better. I glanced at Sir Adam. He appeared taught; a cat ready to spring.

I heard someone approaching. 'Only one?'  Any second, I expected to hear the sounds of someone trying to beak down the door. Instead, Sir Adam walked to the door full of purpose, and opened it. Outside a tall man stood, dressed in the green and black of Gurabia. His dark eyes deep set in narrow face gave away hardness of soul.

"Adam," his voice sounded like the hiss of a snake.

"Skarjaan," Sir Adam's  held a contempt I never knew he possessed.

"Hand over the girl and everything you know while you're at it, or I will rest it from you!"

"I would rather die first!"

"Then so be it!" his words more like an animal roar that a human shout, the Gurabian drew his sword. I heard the soft shing as it slid out of the sheath.

Sir Adam drew his sword as well. the clash of metal rang loud in my ears as their swords met. skarjaan drove his towards Sir Adam, intending, I think,  to use it as a feint and turn either to the left or the right, but Sir Adam never gave him the chance. He stopped the other man's sword with the flat of his blade, and in one swift motion slid his own sword down toward the Gurabian's hand. With no time to spare, Skarjaan yanked his hand and sword toward the ground. Had he been any lesser swordsman, Sir Adam would have been carried forward by his momentum to a place where Skarjaan could have stabbed him with ease. Instead Sir Adam pulled up and feinted left then gave a quick upward slash intended for his opponent's neck. It never got there. Skarjann ducked, and in the same motion slashed right to left at Sir Adam's legs. He jumped, barely avoiding the sword.

Once again, their swords clashed. Around and around, neither gained the upper hand.

"Give it up, man!" Skarjaan shouted over the noise, "I do not want you dead!"

"Death would be better for me than what you wish for me!" Sir Adam replied. The Gurabian's only reply was a snarl and renewed fury in his attack. That was his undoing.  In his fury he abandoned caution.

Sir Adam deflected a blow aimed at his torso with such force that Skarjaan's arm swung to the side. In that split second of opportunity, Sir Adam stabbed his opponent through the chest. Skarjaan lost his grip on his sword and it fell, even as its owner crumpled to the ground dead. Sir Adam leaned on his sword for a moment, breathing heavily. Then he bent down and picked up the dead man's sword.

"Long have I wished to hold this man's sword in my hand," he said. Then he took hold of Skarjaan's lifeless hands and dragged him outside. Kalla and I followed. Sir Adam tied the dead man's body to the horse. He slapped the creatures rump, and it galloped away.

"The horse will know where to go," Silence reigned for a moment in the cool outside air. Then I asked, "Sir Adam, are you glad that he's dead?" Sir Adam was quiet a moment before he replied.

"I am glad that he is dead, for a great danger has been removed. But I did not enjoy killing him. I have been a knight many long years, and done and seen many things, but never have I enjoyed killing an enemy. Sometimes it is necessary, but it is never something to be enjoyed. If you ever get to the point where you enjoy death, even that of your enemies, or are indifferent to it, you will have be come the very thing we fight against. remember that, Rielle."

We went inside, and Sir Adam put his sword away. Kalla and I looked at each other, unsure what to do. I felt stunned. Something in that fight revealed to me that I was up against something very large; larger than I ever imagined. This was not a simple adventure.

'Who was that man? And how did you know him? And-" Sir Adam held up his hand and stopped me.

"As for who he was, that was Lieutenant Skarjaan. He was the leader of the party we encountered a few nights ago. I am not surprised he came here tonight. How do I know him? He was my enemy of old.  he has been my worst enemy for longer than I can remember. If I am not mistaken, and I do not believe I am, he was close in the Emperor's council and knew of his plans."

"But why was he your enemy?"

"You have more questions than a hive has bees!" Sir Adam exclaimed. "He was my enemy because ever since I became a knight I have been working against the Emperor and his plans," I opened my mouth to ask another question, each explanation seemed to create new ones, but Sir Adam stopped me before I could say anything.

"I know what you are going to ask. I expected him to come tonight because I knew he would know about the ambush we gave."

"How would he know? Those men didn't know who we were. and why would it matter?"

"That is two questions, not one. He would know because he is clever. Upon hearing a description, accurate or not, he would be able to deduce that I was likely responsible. On reaching this conclusion, he would come searching for me, to gain any advantage he could. And it matters because it means things are coming to a head,"


"The wind has changed," Sir Adam continued, "we will scrounge what rest we can from the remainder of the night. Then we will prepare," Sir Adam shut the door, and Kalla and I went to bed, but sleep eluded me.

The next few days flew past me in a flurry of preparation. Sir Adam told me everything he could about Gurabian pirate ships, where I was starting.

"Why pirates?" I asked

"Suffice it to say that the Emperor uses these criminals to do his work. Rielle, there is much that I should tell you, but there is no time,"

"Kalla," I said one day, "I'm going to ahve to chop off all of my hair!"

"Not all of it, " Kalla knew I liked my long hair.

"Most of it," I muttered, in no mood to be encouraged. With her help, I cut my hair so that it hung a few inches above my shoulders, short enough that I could pass for a boy.

Om the third day, it was time for me to leave. But first, Sir Adam led us to the short hallway leading to the two bedchambers from the main room. he pushed on a panel in the wall, and to the amazement of Kalla and I, the panel swung out from the wall, revealing a secret space. It was not large, but inside rested a sword in a sheath. The sheath was dark brown and smooth. Written across its surface were runes I recognized as ancient Keethian, but I could not read them.

Sir Adam held it both hands and presented it to me. I took it, holding the sheath with my left hand, and drew forth the sword with my right. The blade did not stick, and mad a soft ringing as it came out. It was long, but not thin, as a rapier. It was double edged, and on the flat of the blade another set of runes was engraved. The hilt was silver, but swirls of a pearly substance ran through it like thin spider veins. It reminded me of moonbeams on water. I swung the sword through the air against an imaginary opponent. The blade felt like an extension of my arm.

"Cover the hilt with this," said Sir Adam and handed me a leather strip. He continued as I covered the hilt. "This sword is yours by inheritance. It is of great value.One of the things you must do is find two others like it. They are of equal value; the emperor must not get them. Wield it well," I said nothing as I fastened the blade to my belt, awed by the gift Sir Adam gave me.

In companionable silence we walked to the stable and together saddled Zenith. Sir Adam put his strong hands on my shoulders. "Stay well, Gabrielle," I nodded; not trusting myself to speak, I knew my face spoke for me.

"I'll miss you, Rielle," whispered Kalla, "What if  you don't-" I interrupted her, "Don't say that! I will come back! I have to! We will see each other again!" Then we embraced. We were quiet for a moment, then Kalla whispered, "I love you,"

"I love you too," Then at the same time we let go, and I mounted Zenith. I stayed a second longer, then rode away. I knew that if I delayed for even a moment longer I would never leave.

Since Skarjaan had been killed, I learned something. I realized that this quest would be dangerous, that I had little chance. I knew that death was a real possibility, not just a far of chance that made me all the braver for facing it. It was real, and very possible. The thought frightened me.  The difficulty, and the consequences of not trying were to great. Even if I failed, at least I could say I tried.

For days I followed Sir Adam's directions until I arrived at the wharves. I tied Zenith to a tree as Sir Adam had instructed me, I knew not why. I felt very alone as I wove my through all the people. Since I couldn't tell which ships were hiring, I just went form boat to boat. The first few I tried ended with the same result. They took one look at me and turned me down. "Not lookin' fer a cabin boy," they said. I walked on, trying to avoid running in to anyone; I didn't want questions. After a few more tries, I found another one. When I asked if they were hiring crew, the man answered, "Yeah, but only sailors with experience, which you ain't got an' aren't never likely to either. Now git!" I walked away, trying to look disappointed, but I was annoyed. So much so, that I nearly walked into a group of sailors who belonged to the ship I'd just left.

"Hey fellers! Look what the tide washed up!" the one who spoke towered over me, his hands were enormous, and his face was fixed in a permanent scowl.

"New 'un, eh?" said a second man. He was smaller than the first but his thin face seemed somehow crueler; his voice sounded like fingernails scraping a stone of slate.

"Been 'avin' a 'ard time finden' a ship what'll take ye, 'aven't ye?" said another man, whose high-pitched voice was a  perfect match for his small frame. The last comment used up my tolerance, and I could not go around them.

"Give me your best swordsman, and I guarantee I can beat him. And if I win I get the job," The sailors conferred together, and then the first one turned back around and gave me an answer.

'We'll take your offer, shrimp," the last word he filled so full of disdain it couldn't hold anything else. as I watched them talk among themselves to find a swordsman, I began to have second thoughts. 'What have I gotten myself into?' I wondered. My worry compounded when I saw the man they chose. He was tall, a full head and shoulders taller than me. A thin man, with arms of hard muscle well accustomed to lifting the sword hung at his side. Even in my limited knowledge and experience I could see that his hands were those of a swordsman.

I gulped down my fear and looked up at my opponent's face. I found it inscrutable.

He bowed as custom demanded and drew his sword. I did the same.  Right away I could sense his skill. 'I'm doomed' I thought, then forced myself to focus.  After a few minutes, I could tell two things: First, this man was experienced, second, he was not using all his skill; he held back much. Well, I could do the same. I decided not to reveal all I knew. "Search you enemy,' I heard Sir Adam's voice in my head, 'Find his weaknesses and use them.' Very well. I stayed on the defensive and observed him as he did me. His fighting style showed he was used to fighting opponents with simple brute strength, not those who knew the finer points of swordsmanship. I also had the advantage of being smaller.

I blocked his wide hacking cuts with ease, but did not let my guard down. After a moment, his fighting style changed. His strokes become less, wild, more controlled. He realized that I had some skill with a sword. I became even more determined not to show all I knew, even if it was only a small amount.

The fight wore on. 'He's drawing me out,' I realized. He wanted to know the extent of my abilities. His combinations grew more and more complex, and I became hard pressed to defend myself without revealing to much. Then he advanced with a series of small but quick cuts and thrusts. I almost did not see it in time. With that, I threw caution out the door. I knew I would probably die, pirates thought nothing of killing the looser in a challenge, but that death would come quicker if I continued to fight this way. I fought with everything in me.  A moment later, I glanced at my opponent's face. A smile that reminded me somehow of a snake's o'er spread his face. He fought harder, and I knew now how I would end. My arms burned from the strength of his blows. I couldn't move my sword fast enough. I refused to give in.

'WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" bellowed a voice. With a force and suddenness that startled me, my opponent withdrew.  Thankful that the fight ended, I turned to see who spoke. His hair and beard stuck out nearly straight, bristly enough to be a horse comb, and the color of something coated in soot.  His green eyes glinted with anger. His face was slightly elongated and at the moment, red with anger.

"Cap'n-" my opponent began.

"SILENCE!" the captain turned to me, "You are in search of a job, are you?" I forced the words out. "Yes Sir,"

"Well then I am offering you one as cabin boy,"

"But your first mate said-"

"Boy," he exclaimed, anger flashing again, "I am his captain!"

"I"m sorry Sir! Yes Sir. I mean I would like the job, Sir," Why did this man make me so nervous?

"Good. What's yer name?"

"Gabe," I answered. At the moment, I could think of nothing else. He turned to all the men.

"We sail in two hours," Then he turned on his heel and strode away. The swordsman glared at me. 'I'll have to be on my gaurd' I realized. But at least I had a job.